Sites with Storyline challenges on WeChall

ID Language Site Users Challs Average Dif Fun Description
78EnglishUnited KingdomMod-X6847941.06%66.67%75.00%Mod-X is a fictional online game. In Mod-X you will become one of the Mod-X 'agents' and have to solve any tasks that...
49EnglishUnited KingdomRevolution Elite376819813.78%75.00%83.33%A site based on a detective theme which uses suspect elimination, clues, and more traditional challenge categories to...
42EnglishNetherlands, TheTHC Hack Challenges50.00%25.00%THC is a hack challenge and tournament site for newbies and more advanced hackers. You start off with the easier...
38EnglishNetherlands, Thelistbrain.tk58.33%68.75%Another english site
34EnglishUnited StatesStarfleet Academy50.00%50.00%A nice challenge site for beginners. No need to register at Starfleet Academy for 10 nice javascript levels. I guess it...
32EnglishUnited StatesHacker.org4977229221.31%86.77%84.72%The hacker explores the intersection of art and science in an insatiable quest to understand and shape the world around...
30EnglishHungaryhax.tor.hu68.75%79.69%HaX.ToR.Hu is a challenge site putting emphasis on teaching basic security related issues in a fun way. Players get a...
26EnglishJamaicathebackupbox72.92%79.69%Shell challenges.
24EnglishItaly+Ma's Reversing296832820.52%88.46%85.00%A game I hope you and I will enjoy, a source of information which can become useful for reversers, and a way to meet new...
20SpanishSpainelhacker.net28404565.86%72.22%66.67%We now have site navigation in english and spanish (some tests are only available in spanish). Esta es un wargame, que...
15SlovakSlovakiaBrainQuest17209130112.68%50.00%63.89%Brainquest is a slovak riddle site, focused on crypto, steganography and logics. Also there is an category Orbis pictis...
14FrenchFranceinfomirmo70.00%70.00%A new French site turned to the learning of the computing through the SOSI challenge. SOSI is a linear challenge with a...
12EnglishSwitzerlandLOST-Chall63.04%66.31%A site based on the TV show Lost. Challenges range from easy to hard. Non-Lost fans will find this enjoyable too!
8EnglishUnited KingdomAspect v221.88%28.12%Aspect Version 2 is a challenge site with a real storyline. You have to solve the challenges in order to make your way...
6EnglishUnited KingdomElectrica125894424.59%89.28%82.69%Reverse engineering, cryptography, maths, steganography challenges. Home of the challengers handbook.
4EnglishSingaporeRankk1000035311.91%80.77%75.89%Rankk's challenges are organised into levels from easy to difficult. The challenges are based on topics ranging from...
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