All sites listed on WeChall

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ID Language Site Users Challs Average Dif Fun Description
52FrenchFranceµContest78.85%78.57%FRENCH/ENGLISH : µContest is a programming challenges website. The challs can be about cryptgraphy, algorithmic,...
28EnglishUnited StatesZero Identity50.00%50.00%A nice challenge site with a lot of functionality to interconnect the users. Will join soon
63EnglishSpainYoire25.00%33.33%Wargame oriented site for having fun and learn hacking :)
13SpanishSpainYashira54.17%58.33%Yashira es un sitio en español dedicado a retos informáticos,ciencias e ingenio.
40SpanishColombiaWorld of Wargame271410120.36%50.00%75.00%World of Wargame is a challenge site running from 2009 with more than a hundred challenges varying from easy to medium...
64EnglishUnited Stateswixxerd.com62.50%66.67%A collection of crackme's, hackme's, puzzles and games. Some are pretty simple, some... not so much...
1EnglishGermanyWeChall691271882.41%80.77%79.69%WeChall is aiming to make a global ranking of challengers over multiple sites. It launched in january of 2008.
51KoreanKorea, Republic has 80 challenges about webhacking. You can try various SQL INJECTION problem.
56KoreanKorea, Republic Ofwargame.kr75.00%75.00%this `` has challenges for web, system, reversing, etc.. i will trying to add more challenges, have a lotta...
48EnglishFranceW3Challs34584986.99%78.57%87.50%0% simulation & guessing. Hacking challenges only! Wargames (from classic linux/x86 to hardened kernel exploits),...
58EnglishUnited StatesValhalla56.25%100.00%Valhalla is a place for sharing knowledge and ideas. Valhalla allows users to submit code, as well as science,...
21EnglishIsraelTryThis0ne134457216.75%45.00%50.00%Trythis0ne is a system of Hacking\Reversing\Encryption etc' challenges. Every challenge challenge the user in different...
92EnglishGermanytry to decrypt13572341.78%87.50%100.00%Little game to train your brain - try to decrypt some texts in different levels from easy to hard. Can you enter the...
19EnglishUnited StatesThisisLegal.com48.08%70.83%Welcome to Thisislegal, a hacker wargames site but also with much more - such as forums and tutorials.
5EnglishUnited KingdomTheBlackSheep1292734213.13%75.00%63.04%This site offers challenges in almost any category from easy to difficult. It has a nice user-interface, including an...
26EnglishJamaicathebackupbox72.92%79.69%Shell challenges.
59EnglishAntarcticathebackupbox87.50%100.00%Your description is invalid. It has to be 12-4096 characters long.
42EnglishNetherlands, TheTHC Hack Challenges50.00%25.00%THC is a hack challenge and tournament site for newbies and more advanced hackers. You start off with the easier...
22PolishPolandTDHack2328820213.93%45.00%42.50%TDHack (Think Devise Hack) is the first polish challenge site, launched in September 2004. The challenges cover a wide...
73EnglishBelgiumTasteless100.00%100.00%Tasteless challenges, several levels that will test you in security and logical thinking
62KoreanKorea, Republic OfSuNiNaTaS164933249.07%37.50%100.00%SuNiNaTaS have 15 games : Web(8), Cracking(4), Forensic(3) Skill level is medium. We are good hackers.
81EnglishKorea, Republic OfStereotyped Challenges50.00%100.00%"Stereotyped Challenges" provides advanced web-based security challenges that guides you to the latest trend of web...
34EnglishUnited StatesStarfleet Academy50.00%50.00%A nice challenge site for beginners. No need to register at Starfleet Academy for 10 nice javascript levels. I guess it...
47EnglishPolandSPOJ122260070021.12%62.50%18.75%SPOJ (Sphere Online Judge) is an online judge system with 2000 programming challenges. The solutions to challenges can...
86EnglishKorea, Republic OfSolveMe50.00%50.00%I closed this wargame.
25PolishPolandShow Your is a polish website with a lot of challenges. You can find here hackmes, crackmes, cryptography...
45EnglishPolandSecurity Traps100.00%100.00%The newest Polish professional challenge site. We focus on quality, difficulty and originality of the tasks, not...
57EnglishUnited StatesSecurity Override50.00%75.00%Here at SecurityOverride, we offer pen-testing tutorials, hacking challenges, security articles, security forums,...
36EnglishTurkeyRoseCode53.57%71.43%This site publishes mostly math based programming challenges. Other topics include Crypto, Brainfck, Hacking, and...
46FrenchFranceRoot-Me7767215995.16%66.67%78.12%Root Me allows everyone to test and improve their knowledge in computer security. Our community helps us maintain a...
85EnglishCanadaRingZer0 Team Online CTF514913965.60%100.00%100.00%RingZer0 Team's online CTF offers you tons of challenges designed to test and improve your hacking skills through...
55FrenchFranceRight-Answer39.29%53.12%This website want to make you think and learn in several chall spread over several categories such as logic,...
49EnglishUnited KingdomRevolution Elite376819813.78%75.00%83.33%A site based on a detective theme which uses suspect elimination, clues, and more traditional challenge categories to...
60EnglishKorea, Republic OfReversing.Kr352682753.33%50.00%50.00%This site tests your ability to Cracking & RCE (Reverse Code Engineering).
61EnglishGermanyRedTigers Hackit-11048.28%75.00%95.00%10 SQL Injection challenges. After the final level you can put yourself into the hall of fame. No registration possible.
4EnglishSingaporeRankk1000035311.91%80.77%75.89%Rankk's challenges are organised into levels from easy to difficult. The challenges are based on topics ranging from...
101FrenchFrancePyDéfis433828536.30%50.00%100.00%PyDéfis offers you small programming challenges (algorithms, computer science, graph theory, recursion, ...) in the... is a wargame site for hackers to test and expand their binary exploiting skills.
83EnglishKorea, Republic Ofpwnable.kr69060705.95%87.50%100.00%'' is a non-commercial [i]wargame site[/i] which provides various pwn challenges regarding system...
103EnglishTunisiaPWN.TN19282818.00%50.00%50.00%PWN.TN is an educational and non commercial wargame. There is various IT security related challenges for fun and...
104EnglishUnited is an education platform for students (and other interested parties) to learn about, and practice, core...
102EnglishBrazilPromptRiddle31635926.01%68.75%75.00%PromptRiddle is a fun prompt-based riddle website which requires thinking outside the box along with...
27EnglishUnited StatesProject Euler75.00%100.00%Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just...
70EnglishUnited wargames offered by the OverTheWire community can help you to learn and practice security concepts in the form of...
35EnglishUnited Kingdomosix78.12%72.22%Home of the GEEK Challenges. We are a community of developers and IT enthusiasts interested in sharing ideas, writing...
79EnglishUnited KingdomOmega Project267745.08%50.00%50.00%The Omega Project is a new set of Mod-X challenges which have been designed to test many different skill areas and to...
41GermanGermanyNotpron50.00%50.00%Notpron - "The hardest riddle available on the Internet" - Is a linear challenge without ranking. It has around 13 tough...
88KoreanKorea, Republic is a wargame site where you can practice a variety of hacking techniques related to information security in...
72EnglishFranceNo Such Con 2013000.00%50.00%50.00%The HES/NSC 2013 challenges. Still available thanks to Steven from!
10FrenchFranceNewbieContest5493931013.04%75.00%80.88%A french site which is not only focused on beginners. Challenge categories are cracking, crypto, hacking, Java/script,...
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