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RE: Comments on TheBlackSheep
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is there something wrong with tbs right now?

edit: ignore it. There was something wrong for like 5 secs. I guess admin was modifying something.
Last edited by elasolova - Jul 29, 2012 - 14:37:15
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RE: Comments on TheBlackSheep
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It seems that all of a sudden, my virus scanners started blocking Blacksheep. Has anyone had similar experiences, or does anyone know what happened?
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RE: Comments on TheBlackSheep
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It is a sad day for me.

TheBlackshepp / TBS / has now been marked as down.

It was the site where my programmer career really started.
It was the site i got crazy and knowing about hacking, cryptography and reversing.
It was the site i met dozenz of great people in IRC.
It was the site i stole many ideas for the wechall functionality.
It was a great site.

Now they put it down because of the new european GDPR.

I think this is a wrong move by Erik and TBS. The GDPR should protect people. Now it seems that GDPR put down a site that really helped to protect people; By teaching them how all this tech works.
It is rediculous. Every website now warns about cookies.... Hello? everyone who operates a browser should know about cookies and can disable them in the preferences. Most major browsers even offer to block only 3rd party cookies or ask you. Whats the problem?

The GDPR has almost 100 pages and all major sites just try to explain what a cookie is and that they use them .... rediculous.
Of course cookies are used... most sites need to keep some state about a session. cookies are made for that requirement.
It is the abuse of data that should be punished, not small hobby sites.
The 100 pages are not about cookies only. They are about how you handle private data.

Wechall for example does not include any 3rd party code, right?
Should wechall be required to hire a lawyer to write a terms of use and privacy implication page. Every day in fear to be sued by a person who does know nothing about http1.x-http2.0?
Wechall should reconsider how to protect indviduals from data abuse more efficiently.
- Wechall should offer functionality to hand over your own logfiles. I have never seen this on a site, but it wouldn't be the first time that we are first to implement a feature that increases security for the users.
- Wechall should make sure all your data can be erased easily. Of course in old logfiles and backups you will still be there. Everything else is technically difficult and requires a sophisticated process that is unfeasible in practice.
- Wechall should make sure your data does not get into the hands of malicious people (crackers). Have we been hacked? yes, twice. We have written about it as well. Shit happens. At least we encourage you to not reuse passwords.
- Wechall should ensure old logfiles are erased regularly, so a successful attacker has less of your data.
- Wechall should implement encryption of private messages so only you and your friend do know what you write about

These are things that could be done from our side to enhance your privacy.

But i will not put a js popup that explains what a cookie is Smile

Anyway, we should not give up. Instead we should face this fear with a smile and continue to create hobby websites, blogs and whatnot. One day, courts will say i am right. Cookies are not a problem unless they are exchanged with companies to identify indivuduals and harm their privacy.

For TBS it might be problematic that GoogleAdwords has been added. It is a 3rd party that is known to target individuals.

I hope they will hand over the project to dloser and me, so we can rebuild what has been a starting point for many great minds, without ads and with a working signup page, and even do the manual solution checking of linux exploits and other challs.

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RE: Comments on TheBlackSheep
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The sheep is bad.

Europe is bad.

Maybe I should move all my challenges here

(I hope Gizmore is still human Drool)
Last edited by quangntenemy - Aug 18, 2018 - 00:52:17
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RE: Comments on TheBlackSheep
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Sad news indeed.
Interestingly the challenges are still there if you link to them directly however now when you solve one it gives the wechall response as site down..
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RE: Comments on TheBlackSheep
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I agree. So sad...
Too many hours spent on this site.
I hope tbs reconsider about giving the site to the small resilient community that were asking for it on the slack group. Maybe some day the site will be up again.
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RE: Comments on TheBlackSheep
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It is nice to read quangntenemy and ch0wch0w.

I hope the slack group is ignored, and TBS will be handed to wechall. Read: dloser and the other wechall admins.
It might be some work and priviledge to maintain and repair TBS, but in the end wechall hosting would guarantee:

- Erik and TBS will stay admin
- We will remove Ads
- We will repair signup

I hope dloser thinks alike and would agree to maintain it.

In the end it's about Erik and TBS what they decide.

It sucks to mark the site as down while it's still operational here and there Sad
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Not sure why I'm being put forward as the (main) one to do this, but to be clear: no, I do not agree to maintain or repair TBS.
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RE: Comments on TheBlackSheep
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I am sorry @dloser.
Of course i can not speak for you, and my deepest apologies for my emotional message.
I maybe meant the following:

If i ever had the opportunity to save the whole blacksheep site, i would do it.
As you have access to all my stuff (big big thanks for managing a lot), you would be kinda admin too.

If i ever had the chance to work on tbs, i suppose you would have access to tbs as well.
Hence i always say "dloser and wechall".... because you were so active the past years, and me not.

Words cannot express what you did to keep wechall, warchall, irc, loggers, shadowlamb, etc.. operational
I also understand you don't wanna maintain TBS.

To be clear:

If i got the opportunity to fix tbs, i will do it.
I don't want other people than us or me involved, because i think the wechall staff/admins is more than enough to do just what we would love.

Emotional signout
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RE: Comments on TheBlackSheep
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It's an odd way of talking, but perhaps I see it that way because I value my individuality more. I will forgive you, though. ;p

However, while I completely understand where you're coming from, I'm not sure it's a very good idea even if I'm not involved. We all have limited resources and I generally prefer to use them to do the things we do well instead of doing as much as possible, which is hard enough already. TBS is not the first to go down and it will not be the last. (Even if we look only at the sites we really value.) We simply cannot save all.

If you ask me, the best (and perhaps only) way to really let these sites live on a bit longer is to find others who don't already have a WeChall ecosystem to look after but are equally motivated as you are.

Emotionless termination of communication,
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