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Dear Challengers,

I´d like to add tags/categories for challenge sites, so you can get an overview of sites of a specified category, like exploit, crypto, programming, etc

It is quite time consuming to give tags/categories to the sites, as sometimes you need to login, or even research the categories on your own.

If someone likes to help me a bit with the next wechall, you can help me tag challenge sites by filling out the following data structure and send it to me or post your work here.

You don`t need to tag all sites, even a few will be a big help. I will merge all submissions and update the results here.

GeSHi`ed php code
                $patches = array(
 '+Ma\'s Reversing' => array('Ma', 'Crypto,Stegano,Cracking,Programming'), # Zen, Riddles
# 'Aspect v2' => array('Asp2', 'Storyline),
 'Black Zero' => array('Bl0', 'Basic,Exploit,Javascript,Crypto,Cracking,Stegano,Logic,LockPicking'), 'BrainQuest' => array('BQ', 'Crypto,Stegano,Logic,Storyline,Exploit,Cracking'),
 'CSTutoringCenter' => array('CSTC', 'Math,Programming'),
 'DareYourMind' => array('DYM', 'Javascript,Crypto,Stegano,Logic,Special,Science,Exploit,Programming,Cracking,Research'),
 'Electrica' => array('Elec', 'Crypto,Cracking,Math,Programming,Logic,Stegano,Storyline'),
 '' => array('ElH', 'Exploit,Crypto,Cracking,Programming,Stegano'), '' => array('Hacker', 'Crypto,Exploit,Programming'),
# '' => array('HDE', ''), Graveyard Site? :(
 'HackQuest' => array('HQ', 'Logic, Javascript, Java, Crypto, Cracking, Exploit, Stegano, Flash, Programming'),
 'HackThisSite' => array('HTS', 'Training,Exploit,Cracking,Programming,Javascript,Stegano,IRC'),
 'Happy-Security' => array('HS', 'Cracking,Exploit,Flash,IRC,Java,Javascript,Crypto,Logic,Programming,Stegano,Science,Math'), '' => array('Hax', 'Exploit,Realistic,Crypto'),
 'Hellbound Hackers' => array('HBH', 'Basic,Cracking,Javascript,Exploit,Flash'),
 'Hispabyte' => array('Hispa', 'JavaScript,Crypto,Math,Logic'),
 'infomirmo' => array('Mirmo', 'Javascript,Crypto,Stegano,Math,Research,Programming,Logic,Cracking,Exploit'),
 '' => array('LB', 'Cracking,Crypto,Exploit,Fixing,Javascript,Math,Misc,Research,Stegano,Storyline'), 'LOST-Chall' => array('Lost', 'Crypto,Stegano,Programming,Cracking,Logic,Exploit,Math'),
 'MiBs Challenges' => array('MiB', 'Math,Logic,Science,Crypto,Stegano,Hacking,Cracking,Programming'),
 'Net-Force' => array('NF', 'Javascript,Java,Crypto,Exploit,Cracking,Programming,Stegano'),
 'NewbieContest' => array('NC', 'Cracking,Crypto,Exploit,Javascript,Logic,Programming,Stegano'),
 'osix' => array('osix', 'Programming,Cracking,Crypto,Stegano'), 'PHMaster' => array('PHM', 'Exploit,Cracking,Logic,Javascript,Stegano,Programming,Crypto,Math'), # Riddles, Tutorials, Realistic
 'Project Euler' => array('Euler', 'Math,Programming'),
 'Rankk' => array('Rankk', 'Crypto,Stegano,Math,Logic,Misc,IRC,Hacking,Exploit,Programming,JavaScript,Storyline'),
 'Rosecode' => array('RCode', 'Math,Programming'),
 'Starfleet Academy' => array('SA', 'Javascript'), 'TDHack' => array('TDH', 'Exploit,Crypto,Cracking,Logic'),
 'thebackupbox' => array('BBox', 'Exploit,Shell,Realistic'),
 'TheBlackSheep' => array('TBS', 'Javascript,Exploit,Crypto,Cracking,Stegano,Programming,Java,Science,Logic'),
 'ThisIsLegal' => array('TIL', 'Basic,Exploit,Programming,Crypto,Cracking,Javascript'),
 'TryThis0ne' => array('TT1', 'Exploit,Crypto,Cracking,Stegano'), 'WeChall' => array('WC', 'Exploit,Programming,Stegano,Crypto'),
 'Yashira' => array('Yash','Exploit,Cracking,Crypto,Programming,Stegano,Science,Logic,Shell'), # Misc,Hacking
 'Zero Identity' => array('0ID', 'Javascript,Exploit,Crypto,Stegano,Programming,Cracking,Realistic'),

I gave some example with TBS and 3 other sites. Your help will be greatly appreciated Smile

Thanks to all in advance and Happy Challenging

thanks lordOric, you are the best! x3 Smile
thanks Cobruto, also classname/shortcut change noticed Smile
thanks Mirmo, (you know, i have only 3% on your site and can not tag it) ;)
thanks HaDeS x4!, don't worry if i remove some tags, maybe i add them again when they would overlap with other sites.
thanks tsutomu, i removed Realistic,Storyline,PHP,CGI and Misc (but put them here as i might use them in the end)
thanks PHMaster, and "Yes, We can alter the tags when everything is up&running, too"

The best is probably just append your work here. i will merge them the best i can, to get the best out of cross-site-tags. (Meanwhile i am working on code)
PS: There is a secret reward for the most helpful submition, so keep submitting Drool

Only 2 sites missing! Smile
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Last edited by gizmore - Feb 17, 2010 - 12:39:45
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'NewbieContest' => array('NC', 'Cracking', 'Crypto', 'Hacking', 'Javascript', 'Logic', 'Programming', 'Stegano'),
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Here ya go:
'' => array('LB', 'Cracking,Cryptography,Exploitation,Fixing,Javascript,Mathematics,Miscellaneous,Research,Steganography,Story Mode'),

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'infomirmo' => array('Mirmo', 'Javascript,Crypto,Stegano,Math,Research,Programming,Logic,Cracking,Hacking'),

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I guess yashira's admin never enters to wechall, so I'll help him.

'Yashira' => array('Yash', 'Web design,Security,Reverse engineering,Cracking,Crypto,Programming,Miscelaneous,Impossible missions,Operating Systems,Stegano,Wit,Science'),

Or in spanish
'Yashira' => array('Yash', 'Lenguajes diseño web,Seguridad,Ingeniería inversa,Cracking,Criptografía,Lenguajes de programación,Mix,Misiones imposibles,Sistemas Operativos,Esteganografía,Ingenio,Ciencias'),
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Quote from HaDeS

I guess yashira's admin never enters to wechall, so I'll help him.

You do not need to be a site admin to propose / submit tags.
I can even use "double posts" to merge the best out of it.

In the end the new tags shall make it possible to browse the sites for categories, and also have additional ranking for categories.
So a tag which only occurs for one site does not make much sense.
Thats the reason why i did not copy the "impossible mission" tag, maybe "Storyline" is more appropiate? i dunno.

Thanks all for their help so far, i hope together we can tag all sites within a couple of days.
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Easy :
'CSTutoringCenter' => array('CSTC', 'Math, Programming'),
'' => array('Hacker', 'Crypto, Exploit, Programming'),

Harder :
'DareYourMind' => array('DYM', 'Javascript, Crypto, Stegano, Logic, Special, Science, Exploit, Programming, Cracking, Research'),

Note that DareYourMind uses 4 tags 'Realistic', 'Authentication Exploit', 'SQL Exploit', 'Out of the box', but I believe it's just some sub-tags for 'Exploit'.

'Net-Force' => array('NF', 'Javascript, Java, Crypto, Exploit, Cracking, Programming, Stegano, Internet'),

Same here : Internet and Exploit are nearly the same.

'HackThisSite' => array('HTS', 'Basic, Exploit, Cracking, Programming, Javascript, Stegano, IRC'),

(well, I wrote this before reading 'There is a secret reward for the most helpful submition' ;-) )

Last edited by lordOric - Mar 16, 2010 - 18:57:45
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Nice submition, thank you a lot for your contribution.

As you pointed out, Exploit / CGI / Realistic / Hacking / Internet / is mostly the same.
All in all we can have 32 tags max (bitfield planned for high-speed-scoring), and they should "overlap in a nice way"

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'BrainQuest' => array('BQ', 'Storyline, Orbis Pictus, Logic, Association, Mix, Crypto, Stegano, Zebra'),
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Quote from mybrave

'BrainQuest' => array('BQ', 'Storyline, Orbis Pictus, Logic, Association, Mix, Crypto, Stegano, Zebra'),

For Brainquest i will merge these tags:

Crypto,Stegano,Logic,Storyline # Hacking/Exploit?

The tags shall "overlap" nicely, so you can find similar sites easily.

Thanks a lot for your contribution
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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