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History for S0410N3
The complete user history for S0410N3.
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Site % Date Comment
Revolution Elite 34.85%unknownGained 0.51% on Revolution Elite (134 points)
Defend the Web 34.50%unknownGained 2.19% on Defend the Web (401 points) 34.46%unknownGained 4.12% on (0 points)
Revolution Elite 34.34%unknownGained 0.50% on Revolution Elite (132 points)
LOST-Chall 33.93%unknownGained 0.60% on LOST-Chall (0 points)
HackBBS 33.85%unknownLinked an account to HackBBS with 33.85% (2304 points)
Revolution Elite 33.84%unknownGained 0.51% on Revolution Elite (133 points)
LOST-Chall 33.33%unknownGained 1.19% on LOST-Chall (0 points)
Revolution Elite 33.33%unknownGained 0.50% on Revolution Elite (131 points)
µContest 33.12%unknownGained 21.66% on µContest (93 points)
Revolution Elite 32.83%unknownGained 0.51% on Revolution Elite (131 points)
Revolution Elite 32.32%unknownGained 0.50% on Revolution Elite (130 points)
Defend the Web 32.31%unknownGained 2.18% on Defend the Web (394 points)
Revolution Elite 31.82%unknownGained 0.51% on Revolution Elite (130 points)
Revolution Elite 31.31%unknownGained 0.50% on Revolution Elite (129 points)
LOST-Chall 31.10%unknownGained 0.82% on LOST-Chall (190 points)
WeChall 31.03%unknownUpdated his account on WeChall
Revolution Elite 30.81%unknownGained 0.51% on Revolution Elite (128 points) 30.34%unknownGained 2.25% on (0 points)
Revolution Elite 30.30%unknownGained 0.50% on Revolution Elite (128 points)
LOST-Chall 30.28%unknownGained 0.82% on LOST-Chall (187 points)
Defend the Web 30.13%unknownGained 0.87% on Defend the Web (154 points)
Revolution Elite 29.80%unknownGained 0.51% on Revolution Elite (127 points)
LOST-Chall 29.46%unknownGained 0.65% on LOST-Chall (148 points)
Revolution Elite 29.29%unknownGained 0.50% on Revolution Elite (126 points)
Defend the Web 29.26%unknownGained 0.88% on Defend the Web (153 points)
LOST-Chall 28.81%unknownGained 0.50% on LOST-Chall (110 points)
Revolution Elite 28.79%unknownGained 0.51% on Revolution Elite (126 points)
Defend the Web 28.38%unknownGained 0.87% on Defend the Web (152 points)
LOST-Chall 28.31%unknownGained 0.16% on LOST-Chall (36 points)
Revolution Elite 28.28%unknownGained 0.50% on Revolution Elite (125 points)
LOST-Chall 28.15%unknownGained 0.65% on LOST-Chall (145 points)
Revolution Elite 27.78%unknownGained 0.51% on Revolution Elite (124 points)
Defend the Web 27.51%unknownGained 2.18% on Defend the Web (372 points)
LOST-Chall 27.50%unknownGained 1.15% on LOST-Chall (248 points)
Revolution Elite 27.27%unknownGained 0.50% on Revolution Elite (124 points)
Revolution Elite 26.77%unknownGained 0.51% on Revolution Elite (123 points)
µContest 26.66%unknownLost -5.30% on µContest (-815 points)
LOST-Chall 26.35%unknownGained 0.82% on LOST-Chall (175 points)
Revolution Elite 26.26%unknownGained 0.50% on Revolution Elite (122 points)
WeChall 25.82%unknownGained 2.20% on WeChall (0 points)
Revolution Elite 25.76%unknownGained 0.51% on Revolution Elite (122 points)
Defend the Web 25.33%unknownGained 0.88% on Defend the Web (146 points)
Revolution Elite 25.25%unknownGained 0.50% on Revolution Elite (120 points)
Revolution Elite 24.75%unknownGained 0.51% on Revolution Elite (121 points)
Defend the Web 24.45%unknownGained 2.18% on Defend the Web (357 points)
Revolution Elite 24.24%unknownGained 0.50% on Revolution Elite (119 points)
Revolution Elite 23.74%unknownGained 0.51% on Revolution Elite (119 points)
Revolution Elite 23.23%unknownGained 0.50% on Revolution Elite (117 points)
WeChall 22.79%unknownGained 0.58% on WeChall (117 points)
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