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# Username Score Progress
6701 Hungary etrock 1500
6702 __Unknown Country hack2801 1500
6703 China Azure 1495
6704 __Unknown Country rino 1495
6705 __Unknown Country Toffi 1494
6706 __Unknown Country surfclam 1493
6707 __Unknown Country Delova 1492
6708 __Unknown Country thrifstor 1492
6709 __Unknown Country curiousbeing 1492
6710 __Unknown Country ze-meningite 1492
6711 Italy prowler 1491
6712 __Unknown Country richeyward 1489
6713 __Unknown Country Swonen 1489
6714 __Unknown Country Replicant7e4 1489
6715 __Unknown Country jaker 1489
6716 France bibijosh 1488
6717 __Unknown Country Nightfighter 1488
6718 __Unknown Country orion78fr 1488
6719 __Unknown Country justmytwospence 1488
6720 __Unknown Country bitch 1488
6721 __Unknown Country thebiggeek 1488
6722 __Unknown Country jbeltran 1488
6723 __Unknown Country noodle 1488
6724 __Unknown Country hoodinany 1488
6725 __Unknown Country dwizard 1488
6726 __Unknown Country henbruas 1488
6727 __Unknown Country hatnguyen 1488
6728 __Unknown Country maven 1488
6729 __Unknown Country ram 1488
6730 __Unknown Country randeep 1488
6731 __Unknown Country a02010 1488
6732 __Unknown Country emcode 1488
6733 Belgium TheTambourineMan 1488
6734 __Unknown Country ovid 1488
6735 __Unknown Country orion 1488
6736 Brazil brenopolanski 1488
6737 __Unknown Country y0lk 1488
6738 __Unknown Country casper9 1488
6739 __Unknown Country kidney_thief 1488
6740 __Unknown Country rainmaker 1488
6741 United States gamerscomplete 1488
6742 __Unknown Country jmantothehoop 1488
6743 __Unknown Country MMarco94 1488
6744 __Unknown Country thyphon 1488
6745 __Unknown Country vinosan 1488
6746 __Unknown Country frankunder 1488
6747 __Unknown Country gr33n5h4d0w 1488
6748 __Unknown Country TheShadow 1488
6749 __Unknown Country Annon 1488
6750 __Unknown Country onom4stic0n 1488
How scoring works on WeChall