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Rosecode: Password cracking challenge

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Rosecode: Password cracking challenge
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This is for drawing the attention of the crackers around here. This particular challenge has gone unnoticed for months since it was released. Few people showed some interest in it but nobody has solved it yet.

I'd like to invite you at least to have a look.
Last edited by sinan - Jun 26, 2015 - 18:12:25
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RE: Rosecode: Password cracking challenge
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Done! Thanks, I enjoyed the challenge Smile
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RE: Rosecode: Password cracking challenge
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Kudos to you!

I would appreciate it if you could add some brief explanation about your method in the problem secret forum.
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RE: Rosecode: Password cracking challenge
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Added an explanation of my method. Nice chall.
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RE: Rosecode: Password cracking challenge
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My method was essentially the same as dloser's, so there is probably no point in posting mine too.
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