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The maximum score seems relatively low for the average percentage, amount of challengers and number of challenges. For example solve me has higher maximum score now. Is there a reason for this?
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Scoring is a bit arbitrary and requires manual tweaking for many sites. And there are no real guidelines to do so. Because of this, things are likely not really consistent. Not sure how to solve this in the short term.
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There is the variable "challpow" which can be adjusted for sites with quality and low challenge count, iirc.

@dloser Did you take this into account?
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Not that it is named that, but yes, that is the manual tweaking I'm talking about.
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There are currently 3 challenges that are not solvable, and the main site's own ranking does not recongnice them, but those are still considered for the Wechall scoring.
I guess there is nothing to do on wechall side?
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