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doen any1 know what happened to the site ?? last week was working like really slow and this weekend it went down and still offline :S
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It's a mistery, but i've seen some evolution,
1-Hosting-registrar- problem
2- saw the Security Override maintenance page for few mins...
3-apache installation successful
4- cpanel misconfiguration page (i believe)
then now it's step 3 again, "Great Success !Apache is working on your cPanel® and WHM™ Server"

So i guess they have some trouble to get it back online but it look's like they're working on it...
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My hopes are diminishing...
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sadly mines too :/
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All is not lost per se ... Shortly before the "apache installation successful" phase, turned to a directory index consisting of a single, 3.5GB file called "". That file may or may not have been downloaded by someone and that someone may or may not confirm that it contains what the name indicates.
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I've been trying to find someone who knows something, but the best I've gotten is that the admins have vanished into thin air. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. If it takes too long, perhaps someone who may or may not have downloaded a possible partial backup can help rebuild the community.
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That would be a good thing to do, I'll say. A full backup is a nice thing to have ... minus the DB dumps, sadly.
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ok ill asume its dead now .... its been so long time like that and the admin didnt reply :/.. sooo i have the partial backup (i belive it has all the web files , but not the db ) so any volunteers to bring the site back ???
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you mean bring the site back on a different domain without former admin consent ? seems tricky... even if i'd love to see SO back !
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mmm not really the same site , but the same challs ... ofc giving credit to the real creators
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