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Okay, so has anyone been able to get in touch with the SO admins? I'd love to bring some challenges back, if possible (most of them don't rely on a database - luckily).

Only thing is .. I don't really want to host such content on my VPS Happy I think it's configured quite alright, but I'm not really up for any unpaid penetration testing ;)

If the vox populi would decide to do such a thing (to host someone else's challenges without their consent) how should it be done? I would just go for a generic front-end framework as opposed to restoring the site in all it's glory (content is one thing, but I certainly wouldn't like to see a site I built completely cloned and ran by someone else)
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In theory you can host it on one of our boxes, but i think the admins might be upset Sad
Maybe set it up on
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it would be a temp solution till the admins come back Smile so far they seem to be gone lol i mean its been a loooong time and seems they havent show up , yet last time i checked they still had the domain , so no idea if they are planning on coming back
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Doing this as a temporary solution is acceptable, I think ... let's hope the admins will be reasonable about this.

If WeChall would be so kind as to provide hosting, that would be amazing. However ...
GeSHi`ed bash code
$ l 
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 3,5G Oct 17 09:16

The site is quite large, would it be possible to transfer the archive directly? I don't think I can download 3.5GB and upload it in any reasonable amount of time.
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but the main files are not that heavy , i mean 1.8gb are from that folder "videos" which if we just gona provide a temporary solution to the chall hosting is not needed . im a little bit busy right now but perhaps by tomorrow or the weekend i can get an upload of the chall files and perhaps try to set it up a testing site by myself. but yeah if wechall could provide the hosting that would be amazing , yet im gona try to look for a cheap hosting i can afford if needed
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Oh. I didn't realize you also downloaded the archive. Well, data redundancy is a good thing Smile

My semester is about to begin and I'll be focusing on my thesis a lot now, so I probably won't be much help in this matter.
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I recall that some of Over The Wire's wargames were inherited from other sites; maybe getting in contact with them might have some value.

Also, could one of you get a breakdown of what's in that archive so we can get a feel for what it would take to run it?
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No risk no fun!

I have sent a PM with instructions to b1nary, how to connect.

Happy Challenging
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Semi-yearly reminder about this site ... has there been any progress towards restoring the site? I still have the 3.5G /public_html directory archive (no database dump I'm afraid).
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sorry i coudlnt do it in the time ... and well i actually forgot about it lol but i still have the files. i think gizmore is till willing to share a hosting for it (?) , if u want we can work toguether , is just that i dont have too much time to work full on it and i dont have too much experience depolying and developing websites :S
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