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Help for challenges on Hax.Tor.Hu (haxtor)

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Help for challenges on Hax.Tor.Hu (haxtor)
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Hello dear Challengers,
first of all, I dunno if this is a good idea to create such a thread. Mods, please feel absolutely free to delete this thread if not relevant (pertinent, allowed).

In this case I was wondering if someone has solved challanges on the in-the-title definded site. Actually I started 26 Nov. 2018. And proudly went through the challs getting stuck on level 32.

Now I got some parts on level 32 and was wondering if I could ask for help in this thread... Or in case I may send a pm with all the trial&error I did 'till now.

Sincerely Yours - occasus
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RE: Help for challenges on Hax.Tor.Hu (haxtor)
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I'd say it is ok to ask for help here, but without including potential spoilers. If someone is available, they say so and then you can discuss the details in private.

P.S. I'm always available!
Last edited by tehron - Oct 16, 2019 - 17:14:57
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RE: Help for challenges on Hax.Tor.Hu (haxtor)
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Hi all, dear Challengers,
once again... I wouldn't ask here if HaxTor would have had a forum, or anonymous discussion board or pm-system...

Unfortunately the image is definitely too blurry to sharpen with Gimp or so. Therefore I looked a lot around the web and finally I just came on the following Magnet link:"magnet:?xt=urn:btih:741D3DB7140922C55DBE10EB2D89523D0CC6CBBB&dn=Criminal.Minds.S02.WEB-DLRip".

After downloading the correct episode I run through it and took a better screenshot (it's obvious that I already tried to analyze every single frame, whenever the camera pointed to the fictional-computer-screen...). After working a while with VLC filters and after some tries, got the solution. Fact is: it doesn't work neither "domain.tld" (as requested) neither "IP" (maybe in time something changed?).

Sooo close to finish at least one site... Cry anyone willing to help?

Kindest Regards - occasus
Last edited by occasus - Apr 02, 2020 - 02:47:57
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RE: Help for challenges on Hax.Tor.Hu (haxtor)
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Hello all dear Challengers,
hmm... this should be a bump-post. I hope it's not against rules. Anyone willing to help on that level?
Sincerely Yours - occasus
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