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Hi all,

We have recently brought our new challenge platform CryptoHack ( out of beta. It's already been tested by the admin of 247CTF who says he loves the site! We'd be honoured to get added on WeChall.

We've gone through the checklist under in order to make this easier:

3a) Validate route is at
Authkey is [REDACTED]
$ curl '[REDACTED]&authkey=[REDACTED]' && echo

Userscore route is at
Authkey is [REDACTED]
$ curl '[REDACTED]' && echo

3b) 32x32 favicon:

3c) Desired sitename: CryptoHack

3d) Main challenge categories: RSA, AES, Elliptic Curves

4a) Site description:

CryptoHack is a fun platform to learn modern cryptography through solving challenges and cracking insecure code. Can you reach the top of the leaderboard?

It was founded by two crypto enthusiasts from the UK, hyperreality and Jack. hyperreality is currently working as a devops engineer and Jack is studying for a PhD in black holes.

We bonded over our shared passion for solving crypto CTF challenges, but realised that most people find cryptography a tough topic. We wanted to build a "HackTheBox of crypto", where users are encouraged to learn about how crypto works, and how to break it when it doesn't. We'll be continuing to release new challenges to stay up-to-date with the latest attacks and techniques.

The site was released to the world on 26th March.

4b) This is the account ("hyperreality") by which you may contact us on WeChall

5a) Here's our Discord channel:

5b) We will edit the site description

5c) +1

6) We'll look into adding the advanced API options is this all goes smoothly!

Thank you,

hyperreality and Jack
Last edited by hyperreality - Apr 02, 2020 - 16:06:33
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RE: CryptoHack
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That's the best designed crypto challenge site I've ever seen.
It's like the cryptopals crypto challenges except as interactive site.
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RE: CryptoHack
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As Taw already said, the website is really well made. The challenges are both oriented for beginner and advanced peoples, highly recommend.
Last edited by Antoxyde - Apr 02, 2020 - 17:25:17
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RE: CryptoHack
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We got added, thanks @tehron.
Last edited by hyperreality - Apr 03, 2020 - 11:31:29
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RE: CryptoHack
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Congratulations hyperreality and Jack Smile
wishing all the best and good times Happy
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