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Memorized  Go to the Memorized challenge

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I have created a new challenge, which i hope, you like Smile


Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Memorized
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Ranzgruppe got some updates.
You can read it in the news of the site.

Another challenge related news:

Jusb3 found two security vulnerabilites in gdo6-session-cookie.

Jusb3 managed to spoof cookies via Padding Oracle Attack and also would be able to read the contents of the encrypted cookie via CRIME attack.
The cipher i used is/was aes-256-cbc

Both issues have been fixed by Jusb3 via two pull requests.

Thanks from my side to you, Jusb3!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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chrysoberyl pointed out that the cookie post above is a red-herring, and it's time for a hint...

Apropos time...

I am very proud of the performance statistics at the bottom... try to refresh the mainpage and see that a db connection is not needed, sometimes Smile
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RE: Memorized
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is this challenge broken? It just says GDO6 not installed and there is nothing on the site except how to install GDO6.

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Yes, it seems broken currently.

Quote from PartyManCZ
Jan 27, 2025 - 04:21:33


is this challenge broken? It just says GDO6 not installed and there is nothing on the site except how to install GDO6.

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Should be fixed now!
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Now it should be working.
We have to live with the JS errors for a while, but i enabled the statistics and 10ms is not bad for rendering a page with plenty of dynamic content Smile

- giz
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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