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Hello All Dears,
there wasn't (or didn't see) a thread about the site a part from that, I hope to not be judged, it was just to let you know... but there are many news from it. At the moment again news like:
Quote from
There are 2 new challs on Hack The Box (622 total now)

Hmm... is the nr maybe incremental since its linking to us... ehrm... WeChall? Because concerning challs, there are (at the moment of writing this post):
GeSHi`ed text code
196 Machines (active)
093 Challenges (active)
289 total (active)
028 Machines (submitted but not released)104 Challenges (submitted but not released)
132 total (submitted but not released)

Counting in different versions doesn't give 622... I'm very bad at HtB xD, so honestly... this was just a pretext/excuse to arise a thread like all other Challenge-Sites deserve... Happy
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The thread is there:

"Easiest" way to find it is to go the bottom of the site details page.

As for the challenge count, that's something WeChall directly gets from the site in question, so probably best to ask on Hack The Box itself. What I do know is that when I added the site I asked them to include also the retired boxes and only have a scoring (on WeChall) that is based on what boxes you solved (not for things like solving it first). At that time the retired boxes were available to everyone, I think, but I see that they have put them in a "VIP" section now. :/ So yeah, count probably still includes those and perhaps even some more that are hidden somewhere.
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Dear dloser, thank you very much (learned something new).
As always, your posts are very detailed / comprehensive / eloquent! Smile
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