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Merry Christmas 2022  Go to the Tribal Revival challenge

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Merry Christmas 2022
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Dear Challengers,

I am out of office for 3 days, and i want to present you the christmas challenge 2022.

This time it is only one challenge, TBS Revival, which is not even tested thoroughly.

I hope you like this little puzzle Smile

Merry Chistmas to all of you!

-. gizmore
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Merry Christmas 2022
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In case you wanna help revive the site, try index2.php on bright shadows net.

It is more a puzzle site, where IT is just a tool.

I recommend the "Amaze Me" crackit and reading the forum.

- Jack Pott
- Towley
- gizmore
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Merry Christmas 2022
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Oh I didn't know this trick! It's really better to browse the website.
My way to do was to take a look at the wayback machine to find the useful pages.

Thank you for the tip, giz!
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