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overthewire bandit token problem

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overthewire bandit token problem
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I am getting an Error: result: ERROR Unknown user! when submitting my token.
Any chance we could get this looked at?
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RE: overthewire bandit token problem
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Have you made sure your credentials are actually being sent to the server?
(Make sure to do step 4 of the instructions, editing ~/.ssh/config, and once you're logged in through SSH, run 'echo $WECHALLUSER' to see if your username has been sent.)
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RE: overthewire bandit token problem
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Hi there.

I was just setting the user and token variables once logged into the bandit level.
Will it not work this way?
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RE: overthewire bandit token problem
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Can you elaborate on that? What and how are you doing it?
If you do it right it should work that way, too.
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RE: overthewire bandit token problem
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Hello there.
Here is what I did.

bandit6@bandit:~$ WECHALLUSER="beefler"
bandit6@bandit:~$ WECHALLTOKEN="xxxxxx"
bandit6@bandit:~$ wechall
result: ERROR Unknown user!


I got it now when I put everything in one command. Thanks for your time friends.
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RE: overthewire bandit token problem
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Quote from beefler


I got it now when I put everything in one command. Thanks for your time friends.

I did it this way too, because I am having trouble setting the env vars in Kali.
I get this as a result:

result: SUCCESS Your account is not linked to wechall itself.
Then, if I do it again, it gives me this:

result: SUCCESS You already have solved this challenge. Nothing has changed!


EDIT: Fixed! I needed to link to the site in my Account. Thx!

EDIT 2: Fixed more! My vm of Kali was using zsh by default so I wasn't getting the vars set by editing .bashrc.
Last edited by bufes - Feb 15, 2025 - 22:30:19
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