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Double Chess

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Double Chess
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I got an idea of a chess variant:

Double Chess

Finalized Rules for Double Chess (2v2):

Turn Order: Alternating moves (Player A1 → Player B1 → Player A2 → Player B2 → repeat).
Piece Control:

Any team piece can be moved by either teammate except for:

King → Controlled only by one designated player.

Queen → Controlled only by the other designated player.
Victory Condition:

Both the opponent’s King and Queen must be captured to win.

No checkmates—Kings can move into check freely.

Can always move 2 squares forward (even after their first move).
En passant still applies.

Castling & Special Moves:
Regular chess rules apply.
Only the King’s player can castle.

- giz
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RE: Double Chess
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are the partners allowed to talk to each other or is it forbidden (like in bridge/whist)?
I feel like it should be forbidden, so one player has to guess the strategy of their partner... Happy
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