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I found some notable challenges on this site,even if i am only at the beginning.keep up the good work

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PHMaster down ?
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We were down for a few days because of the DNS problem. Currently our site is available. We want to apologize for being offline.
Futhermore, we are going to optimalize our scripts. It means that could be closed for a few moments.
Enjoy solving challenges there.
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RE: Comments on PHMaster
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Why is PHMaster 'red' in the WeChall site listings (and on my 'Account' page)? It seems to be live. I was just there, logged in without a problem, and proceeded to not solve a couple of challenges Sad
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RE: Comments on PHMaster
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PHMaster is currently changing a bit and the wechall scripts are not working at the moment.
The problem is that there are only a few states for a participating site: up and down.

I chose to mark it as down, so unneccessary updates can't be triggered.

Either way somebody would have noticed something is wrong Happy

I should maybe add a 3rd state: "up, but update not working"

As soon as the wechall scripts are back i will get another PM from PHMaster.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Comments on PHMaster
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The update is working again.
Also i fixed a bug: Somehow there were no categories specified for PHM.

A few challenges have been removed, it is planned to rerequest all scores in a bit.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Comments on PHMaster
Google/translate2Thank You!1Good Post!1Bad Post! link was down for ~24h, but now we back with new design and new functionality. w8 for ur opinions and reviews Smile
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RE: Comments on PHMaster
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Hum, I'm missing the english translation of your site. Many months ago, I left it cuz of the language.
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RE: Comments on PHMaster
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We have made a little research/experiment. We have asked our foreigner friends (from the UK, Russia, France and Japan [without any Polish language skills]) to look at these challenges in our site. They said that about 80% of them can be solved without any Polish language skills. This research showed us, that creating a language translation hasn't the highest priority in our schedule. Of course, we will translate everything in the future - but right now You can easly solve ~80% challanges. Moreover You can get a lot of help in our English forum section with the rest (20%) of challenges.
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RE: Comments on PHMaster
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Can someone tell me where do i submit my answers on this site plz
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