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Quote from Hertz

I can t vote.
404 - Page Not Found
The page does not exist.

It is also what I had, but finally it worked ;)
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To be honest i wondered voting worked at all Smile

Edit: i will put "test voting" on todo.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - May 11, 2009 - 21:40:15
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It does not want to work.I tryed like 30 times.
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you need to be obvious or apparently 18 to vote in cyberia. scnr ;)

Ill check the voting stuff out now -.-
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wechall codemonkeys for the rescue ... voting should work now.
Thanks for alert, Hertz !
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No probl,thanks.Now i should drink for my 18's xD
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For me it's no !
This website is prone to multipe SQL-Injection vulnerabilities (awesome for a security web site, isn't it ?)...
This website is a copy of other challenges website.
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So the decision?
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Very hard to tell... the votes are like 50:50

Since most useful posts here voted for a big no we will put the site in links.php as "not scored" i guess.... the decision is not fully settled tho, everything's still possible. For example its weird to have this site in one table with project euler and the other quality site that is not scored, so maybe even a new category should be made up for it
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - May 19, 2009 - 19:07:13
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