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Tell me what you think about my new wargame site.
It is in alpha version, so every idea and suggestion would be helpfull.
Greets Cob
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Here is a link for the lazy folks:

I have problems with logging in now Sad
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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Ey Gizmore,

Are you using IE? I've found out that IE deny cookies from other sites. So thats why it won't login when you have IE.
The .tk is linked to a free domain atm. to see how it works. you can allow them by looking at the privacy report.

Already thanks for checking,
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I am using firefox and a cookie gets set for the

Logging in does still not work tho.

When i find some more time, i could check the http headers for discarded cookies.
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Well, even though your effort is appreciated, I have to say the design sucks :S

And by the way, please hide the email addresses from the userlist, that's a nasty thing to do to your users

Good luck with it
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I know the design isn't very good. Its my first actually. It's a project to try out some things.
Im trying to make it better later. The mails are standard not shown now. Soon you can change it,
when I have time to do some more.
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Investigated the login a little bit more.

You were right, Cobruto, about the cookie not beeing accepted because it is from a different domain.

I suppose you can fix it by setting the correct domain for the cookie in your scripts.
in PHP, calling setcookie() with an empty domain '' should work fine.

EDIT: The problem might also be that you use absolute links for some frames? Maybe it is possible to use relative urls and solve the cookie problem that way.

As Firefox user, i have to check "Accept 3rd party cookies" to make it work.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Nov 07, 2009 - 14:28:08
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Im back, added some more challenges, there are 9 in total now.
If anyone think some of the challenges are too hard, you can reply in this forum for the mean time.
Oh and thanks for Paipai for voting ;-)

Greets Cob

Ps. Mails are standard not shown now, im a bit busy so the development isnt going realy fast now.
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I looked at the design and made a new one. it's not completly finished yet, but I still would like your opinion
about what could be improved. Also there are 12 challenges in total now.
heres the link: Listbrain V3

Thanks a lot,
Last edited by Cobruto - Dec 22, 2009 - 02:57:04
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I think the blue input backgrounds look a bit "stub". You could try a different #color or a gradient.

Edit: Beside that it looks great now Smile
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Dec 19, 2009 - 11:50:36
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