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Canabis E-Petition [Germany]

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Canabis E-Petition [Germany]
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HIgh all,
maybe it's interesting for some people being from germany and other countries. It's about legalizing canabis in odd amounts.

Bundestag E-Petition

It would be cool to have some more people given their sign to this e-petition. The end of this petition will be the 26.01.2011.

cheers and thx,
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RE: Canabis E-Petition [Germany]
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i signed a few weeks ago...
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RE: Canabis E-Petition [Germany]
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Thanks space. The reason why I'm supporting this petition is, because I'm having some critically ill person in my life. At the moment, there is no rehabilitation against this sickness. I'm studying a lot to find some solution for this person. Maybe this stuff could help. So don't hesitate to support people.
Last edited by Jinx - Jan 24, 2011 - 19:57:29
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RE: Canabis E-Petition [Germany]
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Quote from Jinx
Jan 24, 2011 - 19:56:41

Thanks space. The reason why I'm supporting this petition is, because I'm having some critically ill person in my life. At the moment, there is no rehabilitation against this sickness. I'm studying a lot to find some solution for this person. Maybe this stuff could help. So don't hesitate to support people.

Is there no allowance for the medicinal use of marijuana in Germany?

Very recently, medicinal use of MJ was allowed in (parts of) the US. I happen to be in one of those parts, but honestly I think the industry is going kill itself here because the people running the medicinal marijuana dispensaries are acting like 13 year old stoners and are running the dispensaries like head shops, complete with the waaaay coooool grooooovy tripppppy advertising with '60s style acid rock graphics. Idiots.
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RE: Canabis E-Petition [Germany]
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I think there are some medicinal uses in germany as well. But I've never seen/heard of some doctor prescribing these drugs to someone. I'm sure it would be some more effectiveness when this stuff would be legalized in odd amounts. The state could earn money (taxes) f.e. . It could help in many different groups of objects. (researching about many different sicknesses, creating papers, oil, ropes, margarine, soap, joints/gaskets, houses, etc..) It's also some good point to decrease the crime rate in germany and to create places of employments.
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RE: Canabis E-Petition [Germany]
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sent they samples for testing ? Drool
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RE: Canabis E-Petition [Germany]
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If this petition will have success within the next months, then I could mail some to you ;-)
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