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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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Being a site owner, frankly I would be very happy if I got money that covers the costs of running the server.

What do you guys think the best way is to make money with a challenge site?

I have seen sites asking for donations, but I don't think that is effective enough.

My other idea is that a user can buy the next level for real money (gekko is a linear game, so that would work). If someone buys a level he doesn't get access to the solution and forum page, so he can still work on the old level too, but he gets a new problem description. Buying a new level would not count in the stats, no points for that and no higher ranking on wechall.

What do you think about this? Would you pay in a system like this? If so, how much? 1$ 2$ 5$?
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I have a new project.

1) Instead of losing points there will be a new property (HP) that will be decreased if you post wrong answers. 0 HP means you are out of the game.
2) points are more like XPs. Tasks become available if you have certain amount of XP. There will be 2 or 3 tasks available at start and as you solve more you always get 1 or 2 new tasks to work on.
3) there will be alternative ways to earn XP. e.g. find hidden parts of the site, find an alternative way to solve a task, translate levels, post level ideas or help promoting the site on facebook, your blog etc.

This means that there will be new tasks too, which I should think about some more.

Please post your comments here.
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Hmm nobody responded. In case anyone is interested. I have almost finished the programming part and now have some work on the old challenge descriptions and other parts of the site. I havent decided about the new challenges yet but have some good ideas. The site will might be relaunched without them because the other part can be finished sooner. This is probably a good idea given that I can only devote about two hours per week to this project.
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I have just uploaded the new version. Come and try.
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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I guess something doesn't work in Gekko's script because as far as i can tell there are still 10 challs and not 20.
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RE: Comments on Gekkó
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Once you completed a challenge, you can post it on facebook for 3 points. That's how you pay for the challenges Smile It's optional though, you get every 'real' challenge if you don't spread the news.
Last edited by encse - Oct 27, 2012 - 13:34:45
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Oh, i see. By the way congrats for the new version.
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Hello encse,

Nice wargame, I have a little question. How work the point system? because I have solved 2 challenges(22%) and I got 0 score for both. Thank you.
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Must be a bug,but noone else complained so far. Will check out.
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Note that 'score' here seems to mean WeChall score. It's because the site has only a few challenges. Nag gizmore or add more challenges. ;)
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