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RE: Comments on Newbie Contest
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Quote from lordOric
Sep 18, 2013 - 21:09:46

Out of memory ? I am not sure. However, the server has been upgraded some days ago, and it didn't work very well. The database was down during one hour or two and it could explain the parse error.

Trieptm, when did you try to link your account ? Can you retry now ?

I've just unlinked and retried it. The same error happens.
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I'm so stupid, the issue was just in front of me.

GeSHi`ed Plaintext code
Member : trietptm
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You don't solve any challenge, so you're not ranked... and it breaks Gizmore script.
I can patch this issue but... I don't see the point to link to a not ranked account. ;-)
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RE: Comments on Newbie Contest
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Quote from lordOric
Sep 19, 2013 - 19:40:03

I'm so stupid, the issue was just in front of me.

GeSHi`ed Plaintext code
Member : trietptm
Ranking : not ranked
Points : 0/2463
Challenges solved : 0/236
Categories : cm:0/35, cr:0/50, hk:0/26, js:0/17, lo:0/31, pr:0/24, st:0/53

You don't solve any challenge, so you're not ranked... and it breaks Gizmore script.
I can patch this issue but... I don't see the point to link to a not ranked account. ;-)

I've just played a chall and relinked my account. It works now Happy .
Last edited by trietptm - Sep 19, 2013 - 19:59:34
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I receive this message:
"Votre accès au site a été temporairement bloqué : l'utilisation de scanners de sites est interdite."
and I didn't scan this web site, I don't understand why I can't connect anymore?
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Maybe someone else did, with the same IP address ?
Don't worry, you'll be free in 24 hours.
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RE: Comments on Newbie Contest
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(Bjorn) , "Well, my first impression is: "This really is a challenge site for newbies" and i guess security isn't as important as f.e. on HTS."

the impressions of the senses are more stronger than the impressions of the mind this is why we do not see the truth but the cloth of the truth

the challenges in this site are extraordinary and brilliant and in revolution elite are more extraordinary and brilliant . It is for both newbies and professionals and even for Bill Gates , and Steven Job (God give him peace and benediction) and great masters like Frederick p Brooks
and some Indian Guru

the fact that you wrote this nonsense :"This really is a challenge site for newbies" means that you did not learn anything , and you do not know and you do not feel, you did not advance in your mental , emotional , logical and spiritual capacities but you stayed constant.
You think that solving these challenges is a proof of your superiority!!!! NO
because there is a difference between solving them and understanding the philosophy , the taste in them, the mystery beyond them that you do not perceive

birds see but eagles perceive
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You don't say? As far as I can see you are not seeking to learn from challenges yet you keep hanging around with your philosophy.
Why am I saying that? Because you are so desperate to solve that Enlightement challenge that you even posted and kept asking for help here:

Just my 2 cents, and excuse me for the offtopic Smile.
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you are totally wrong . I learned a lot from these challenges especially in revolution elite , more than you can imagine.

second , it is not forbidden to ask for extra help when you are blocked . I did not answer for the solution . Besides , I bet with you to show me in the site you put only one hint or word or sentence that give even 1% of a hint or 1% of the solution to solve the challenges .

third , you are not blind , in revolution elite , I solved all the challenges alone and one of the most difficult is "shady dealings agency" which is difficult , I solved it alone. ALONE you see . it means that I learned something

and here I will show you what I learned:‎‎‎
sql injection all pdf files I red them‎
XPATH injection
cross site script
javascript injection
SSL injection‎
reverse enginneering
encoding + decodinh
wget hacking
c++ and c
all type of cipher
knowledge about 100 software
ddos attack
more than 75 MB of information inside pdf files I red all of them
and more written in white papers

do you have a fax so that I can fax you all the research I made in my papers ????
I solved all the challenges in revolution elite with my efforts and with honor and I am proud of it
and none of these replies in the site you gave helped me .

look for example : "Look at an ASCII table. What is wrong with extending Ceasar cypher to more than 26 letters of the alfabet? It would make the decyphering a bit harder, I guess."

I solved the cisaer cipher before they even post this reply
the second of binary code , they do not even understand how it work and after they posted this reply did I solved the challenge???!!!!!

about john conway game of death , the man whop responded me give me something that I already did and which is wrong ,
so where is the help I got ?
look , motherfucker , you do not know me , you did not see what I learned and my research , you cannot judge me . besides I am a newbie , I know nothing of computer science , I have no one to support me , I did not studied any type of computer science and I am new to hacking and I have began in hacking three months ago compared to you who have at least have been15 years and who get supported by many people

so do not judge who you do not know
finally , if you learned and if you were a real hacker , you would understand that the first thing a hacker learn is to collect information about the thing he does not know. Because you cannot collect concrete information about , except some rubbish and nonsense to defend your friend Bjorn, then you cannot know me and therefore you cannot judge me
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to add I solved them with dignity , with dignity :

I did not sleep for 48 hours and when I sleep only for three hours , I learned day and night without pause you do not know this HERTZ do you????

I ask the moderators of this site to take away this parasite who is called HERTZ .he is disturbing me and accuse me of things without knowing me , If you keep stalking me I will insult you harshly HERTZ even if I get banned from this site.

I hate those people who judge others without knowing them and what they did
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RE: Comments on Newbie Contest
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Quote from strongard63
Nov 08, 2013 - 09:13:49

I ask the moderators of this site to take away this parasite who is called HERTZ .he is disturbing me and accuse me of things without knowing me , If you keep stalking me I will insult you harshly HERTZ even if I get banned from this site.

You know I never EVER thought I would be defending Hertz.
Hertz and I have had run-in's in the past. He has even had issues with other members of the challenge sites.

There was a time when Hertz would ask a lot (too much) for hints and also ask for help on sites away from the challenge sites. This caused a huge mess: and I think after a while and multiple accounts, Hertz calmed down.
I can quite happily talk to him these days and have no problem in providing him hints if he needs it (which he hardly, if ever asks for) The point is strongard63, you are attacking members of a community who stick together. YOU are the outsider and EVERYONE who responds to your posts seem to do it against you, so what does that tell you? Is EVERYONE here wrong? Or do you need to change your attitude a bit?

On this note, having solved all RevEl challs yourself, you solved 6 of them. One of these is the first accusation which is a 1 in 4 chance so lets say 5 of them. Of these you have emailed me asking for hints on 3 of them.
Not bad I'll say.

I'm not responding to any more threads or emails now. I am done with this whole situation. Say about me whatever you want Smile


PS I am a wechall moderator. You are annoying me, and I'm not banning you, so please don't ask for others to be banned because they said something you don't like.
That is all Smile

PPS - Thanks for that link Hertz. I see he was asking questions about Prime Suspect and A Game of Life Or Death on RevEl too. ;)
Last edited by sabretooth - Nov 08, 2013 - 11:20:00
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