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I'm at page 2 and I click on Reply from page 2. The message box appears together with replies from page 1. But it would be helpful to show page 2's replies as well, for easy reference and quoting.
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Reply form shows the last page of posts now, but its not currently possible to browse while replying

BTW: I wrote a small form for site administrators, where you can edit your sites a bit (description and logo upload).
I am now gonna assign sites to the users, who are admin of a challenge site.
To take the changes affect you need to login again. Then you can edit your site in the sites pages
If i forgot an admin, please let me now.
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Cool! Was looking forward to change Rankk's logo.

Wrote you a PM. Please check it out Smile
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Btw, Sphinx: The new logo (and the topbar on looks great! Well done!
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Thanks, theAnswer.

For a long time, our focus was on adding new challenges. We were quite happy with the old one. But somehow it just didn't look good enough. And it helps that wechall is born, because that helps to generate excitement and interest amongst the players and admins, and with that comes the motivation to make things better. It took quite a bit of experimentation, because design is not something I'm terribly good at.
Last edited by Sphinx - Apr 07, 2008 - 02:47:52
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Another thing about the forum:
Can you change the other of the columns?

Something like:
Board - Title - Creator - Msgs - From - Last Post
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1 more thing
Maybe show 10 replies per page instead of 5.
Last edited by quangntenemy - Apr 10, 2008 - 02:42:05
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