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Beta testers wanted

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Beta testers wanted
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Hi all,

I'm looking for some beta testers for my stegsolve program. Its a java program that I've been working on recently, as a bit of a complement to steganabara.

Stegsolve does the following:

1. Simple interface to flick through various transformations, such as individual planes and random recolourings.
2. solves stereograms, just keep increasing the offset until the image becomes clear (ghosting may be seen in some images along the way).
3. Simple frame viewer for gif's (also works on planes in png's).
4. File format analysis - some basic analysis of the file format.
5. Data extract. Choose bits and preview the result, or save as text or binary, row or column order etc.

You can find it here.

So I'm looking for some beta testers as it might be a bit buggy at the moment. If you know how to solve a problem that stegsolve might be able to mimic then give it a go and see if it gives the expected result.

If you solve something with it then please post 'i solved a stegano with it' here, at least it shows it's working a bit!

If you find a bug please post.

If you have an idea for it then please post.

It does need a bit of work at the moment - such as the dialogs don't seem to consistently look alright on windows/linux and I have a couple of options to add to them anyway, also some of the output values are hex and some decimal and I need to make this a bit more consistent.

So, let me know what you think.
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RE: Beta testers wanted
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Really nice tool Caesum, thanks a lot and keep going to add some more nice features.
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RE: Beta testers wanted
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very nice job Caesum!!
i liked steganabara and i will definately like stegsolve..

one thing that i found was that if you open a big picture (big in height i mean) then the program goes of screen!!
maybe you should somehow bound the picture limits and use scrollbars for very high or very wide pics?
just a thought!!

keep up the good work!
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RE: Beta testers wanted
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Yeah, definitely need to add that to the todo list
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RE: Beta testers wanted
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love it. thanks!
it would be nice to be able to use left/right arrows on the keyboard for the left and right transitions. I prefer keyboard actions to mouse actions most of the time.
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RE: Beta testers wanted
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also, the ability to drag/drop images to the screen instead of file->open.
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RE: Beta testers wanted
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No bugs that I've seen. I already know where it might come in useful though. I'll let you know.
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RE: Beta testers wanted
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Nice work. I tried to solve a few stegano challs on wechall with it.

Only thing i noticed is that .jpeg is not recognized as an image extension.
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RE: Beta testers wanted
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Thanks Caesum,
"i solved a stegano with it." Smile

Btw is it possible to copy/paste/save the information that is generated
in the File Format Analysis window ?
That would be really handy.

Good work, nice proggie, thanks.
Last edited by kijibwa - May 06, 2011 - 18:29:58
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RE: Beta testers wanted
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Very good and useful tool.
Good job Caesum !

But i have a little question... Why gave it to the community ?
Many people don't know LSB and/or alpha channel on png.
I think this tool doesn't allow challengers to try to learn by themselves.
I don't know if i'm clear ?
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