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Not fair,forget it.
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Interesting, Spaulding... why is that?
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My guess is: "You cannot reach 100% because of unfair challenge setup"

But i just guess here Smile
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Quote from Gizmore
Dec 14, 2011 - 17:39:27

My guess is: "You cannot reach 100% because of unfair challenge setup"

hmmm... is that correct? I guess I'm not close enough to 100% to have noticed and my French isn't very good so I may have missed it if its explained somewhere.

Anyway, if that is the case, I'm pretty much done with the site too.
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IMO, if i am right, we should just convince the siteadmin to not be "unfair" ...

It is easy to rant, but it's better to recommend a fix or patch Smile

If the siteadmin is good, he will think about it and apply a fix soon, or maybe explain the current behaviour, and why it's good.

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What do you mean by being unfair? What is the wrong setup mentioned in this thread?
The admin himself didn't break all the challs on his site? It would be unfair, if he would answer the wechall script with 100% for himself... Happy
The topscorer is at about 80% now and he has plenty of open challs with high scores.

Or is it about challenges, that can't be solved? I had some idea like that before, but my french is quite bad and the translators aren't doing well all the time... Smile

Anyway, I kind of like that site. Finally there are some new challenges coming, as I have too many challenges on other sites that I'm too lazy to solve...

But please tell me what this topic is about!

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I am just guessing again,

But iirc you could not reach 100% because of score malus when trying a chall two times.
And a second try is kinda what you do normaly on that chall.

Again: I am just guessing, but iirc it was quite impossible to reach 100% without a double account. (just guessing)
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Hmm, that is a thing at gekko, but not at right answer, or is it?
You only lose life and that keeps regenerating over the time... The points for the challenges are being reduced, thats correct. The more people solved the chall, the less points you get, similar to newbiecontest.

I guess the maximum score is calculated by adding all the current scores from the challs... But I didn't pay attention to that before...
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Ok. For the record, I haven't really noticed anything that makes me think the site is unfair. I really kinda like the site. Maybe if someone comes up with something more concrete...
Last edited by shadum - Dec 15, 2011 - 04:18:47
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RE: Comments on Right-Answer
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Afaik, if you put a wrong answer for a challenge you lose some HP, which is regenerating, though (It's more like a bruteforce protection, You can't try a challenge if you have less than [challenge_XP] HP). But you don't lose any points (XP) and can still do 100%.
Anyway, a strange thing is, that you also lose [challenge_XP] HP, if you put the correct answer, which means you can only solve like 5 challenges in a row and then have to wait an hour or so before continuing.

Bottom line: Nothing unfair there - only an annoying brute force protection.

Edit: It looks like the "lose [challenge_XP] HP on correct answer" has been fixed meanwhile.
Last edited by noother - Dec 17, 2011 - 16:49:10
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