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Couple of Thoughts

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Is there any way you could allow the user to arrange their own 'Linked sites' list?

Even if it defaults to the order they are displayed on the main page.

Right now they seem to add randomly to the existing list.

My OCD is taking a toll here. I can't seem to find a way to do this. >.<

Please? Smile
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They are ordered by the date you linked them. So the first site you linked to is on top and the latest one on the bottom.

There are many ways to sort that table, but by site name would probably be best.
Making that table sortable by users is likely not worth the effort.

I've changed the order to be sorted by site name now.
Should make it easier to find the row you're looking for.
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Thank you!! ^.^

I think because I added them all at once the date was mixing the order up. *shrug*
Last edited by Gomaling - Feb 17, 2009 - 11:31:10
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I'm good thanks Drool

Is some kind of mean scoring not a better system?
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Quote from Degenerate

Is some kind of mean scoring not a better system?

I'm not sure what you mean by that.
A better system for ordering the Linked Sites list, or a better system for the global ranking?
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Sorry for not giving much detail on what I was meaning,

I meant for the country ranking, would a mean (of some sorts) not be a better rank of a country than a points total.

Otherwise numbers > all

at the same time, a mean fails because numbers of 0 pointers can drop the mean.

So some sort of middle ground perhaps.
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Heh, I'm still not sure what you mean Smile

The country ranking is already sortable by Score, Players and Average score by clicking on the column titles.
Or are you arguing that the default sorting should be by Average?
To be honest I like to think that sorting by Totalscore will encourage users to recruit more people to WeChall to help push their country to the top of the ranking Smile

Edit: removed wording that may have made it seem like I have something against French people
Last edited by Kender - Feb 19, 2009 - 07:34:47
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Think about it : about 60 million French have not yet registered. Drool
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Fair enough Kender, I hadn't realised you could change sorting. It isn't something that really matters much anyway although in my opinion average would be the best default.

There are innacuracies in the way you rank regardless, or at least validity of a position can be disputed, because you can arrive at the same rank in very different ways, but I don't see this as being a huge problem, I wouldn't expect countries to get incredibly competitive over it all.
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