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I Fixed a lot of tiny problems with WC5:

[x] Html markup fixes and 404 shiner be gones.
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Beside that it is day 16 of black march, and myself did not consume any media this month, beside some youtube documentations, southpark, slayradio and "Radio Tekula".

Basically like any month.
Please someone bump the CTF Thread for w3pwnz again now Smile
Happy Challenging!

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The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Mar 16, 2012 - 08:41:53
Global Rank: 195
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I am pushing this thread to the top again (also known as bump)

Look at this illegal video:
It is probably protected by GEMA and other copyright organizations.

Remember it is still black march, going into day 18.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Global Rank: 195
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The ACTA Petition reached over 50,000 signers and now the case has to be heard by the german politicians.

The "fun" thing is that only the creator of the petition is heard which is the father of a teenager, who setup the petition because his son thought it would be a good idea.

No other petition with the same topic might be created, and this sounds all a bit weird to me.

Were there no "acta petitions" from more politic involved persons?

Another "fun" case can be read here: (german)
Some guys requested all documents regarding ACTA, which was denied because it would harm the public security.

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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