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Linking Dead Sites

Forensic and Research
Should dead sites be removed?
32 votes
23 votedYes
11 votedNo
1 votedNo idea
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Linking Dead Sites
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It is now easily possible to link dead sites with your old score.

In case you unlinked a site accidentally, or have other proofs of a score, i can "hardlink" them now.

Happy Challenging!
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RE: Linking Dead Sites
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Bumping this ancient topic and adding a poll.

A debate has recently sparked in This thread:
The argument is that newcomers to wechall cannot gain points on sites which are no longer around, giving them an unfair disadvantage.
Hertz made a great point that users should not be penalized for the fact that they were lucky enough to be around when the sites were linked.
I disgree and will copy my post from the above thread here:

I know I should be one defending the argument against as if hackquest is taken away from wechall, my score will drop significantly, but honestly I believe dead sites should be removed. There is usually a sense of 'well what if they come back?' In my opinion, IF they come back with the database in tact, they can rejoin the wechall network and users can relink - their progress wont be lost. On the other hand IF they come back with a fresh database and no user accounts then why should the users keep their wechall score? Have then restart same as a new user would and re-earn their right to be there.
I say flush away the dead sites also.

Let us know what you think and place your vote.
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RE: Linking Dead Sites
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Dunno the score doesn't matter much to me maybe keep them but lower the score like 10% should be ok.
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RE: Linking Dead Sites
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Sorry but i disagree. As per the creators of wechall
Quote from Inferno
It allows the users to get a complete overview of a users challenge history on every site he signed up for.

Quote from Gizmore
The goal is to make a global ranking for challengers.

As i can see the sites that candidate for removal are the ones in the graveyard, only 5. From them only hackquest seems to give any "serious" number of points to those who completed a cerain percent.
To my understanding a person (in the average and common case) can gain only ~20000-30000 points from all the dead sites but given the number of points available in all active sites and the points of #1 ranked there are more than plenty of ways for a "newcomer" to cover this gain and also keep the history of older users intact.
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RE: Linking Dead Sites
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Quote from criple_ripper
As i can see the sites that candidate for removal are the ones in the graveyard, only 5.

There are more. For instance, astalavista (i'm tired of waiting the opening of the new version) or listbrain (seems to work, but all the links in the challenges are dead).
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RE: Linking Dead Sites
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Given the email I just received, Astalavista, as challenges website, is dead (a "cloud-based security scanner" ? WTF ?).
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