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Some notes  Go to the The BrownOS challenge

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RE: Some notes
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I'm able to get the "Invalid term!" message if i echo anything with 0xFF bytes in it. Wireshark, amap and amapcrap were entertaining at best in terms of fuzzing it. Anyone try talking to the service with Scapy yet? I'm just starting to read up on it...

I'm curious if this has anything to do with things like eBPF
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RE: Some notes
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The example from the cheat sheet should be a good start to not get that message...
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RE: Some notes
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I can make it return ...
"a towel!"
" towel!"
(two consecutive reads)
...using the exact same input data. Granted, I had to send a bad QD.
And yes, it is a binary protocol.
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RE: Some notes
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Ouch! My program was buggy. I was truncating stuff. Fixed program and now I get some interesting output. Still trying to figure out what the codes mean though.
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RE: Some notes
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Quote from l3st3r
May 10, 2018 - 03:29:22

Ouch! My program was buggy. I was truncating stuff. Fixed program and now I get some interesting output. Still trying to figure out what the codes mean though.

Great work! i'm curious to know your approach to interaction with this.
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RE: Some notes
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Quote from macplox
May 10, 2018 - 03:34:16

Quote from l3st3r
May 10, 2018 - 03:29:22

Ouch! My program was buggy. I was truncating stuff. Fixed program and now I get some interesting output. Still trying to figure out what the codes mean though.

Great work! i'm curious to know your approach to interaction with this.

I'm using C and sockets to send and recv.
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RE: Some notes
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Quote from dloser
Mar 05, 2018 - 17:12:26

Quote from dp_1
Mar 05, 2018 - 17:02:41

It seems like all I can get is "Invalid term!", is there meant to be another message?

Yes. Perhaps you are sending ASCII instead of bytes?

Very tricky! ;)
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RE: Some notes
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If the server replies immediately with no results (port closes, no data from server), does that indicate an error?
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RE: Some notes
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Quote from l3st3r
May 17, 2018 - 21:01:05

If the server replies immediately with no results (port closes, no data from server), does that indicate an error?

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RE: Some notes
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Quote from dloser
May 17, 2018 - 21:26:16

Quote from l3st3r
May 17, 2018 - 21:01:05

If the server replies immediately with no results (port closes, no data from server), does that indicate an error?


Does it means BrownOS just segfaults on errors?
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