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This new ranking only sums active sites. It has a reduced functionality at the moment, for example no correct highlighting, and no profile or other pages link here.
# Username Score Progress
5301 __Unknown Country timon 2515
5302 __Unknown Country niki 2515
5303 __Unknown Country aik 2515
5304 __Unknown Country keviv 2515
5305 __Unknown Country limhy44 2515
5306 __Unknown Country sohakes 2515
5307 __Unknown Country Gaen 2515
5308 __Unknown Country Derecho 2515
5309 __Unknown Country BNK 2515
5310 __Unknown Country arrowStark 2515
5311 Brazil Zer0alloc 2515
5312 __Unknown Country wobbles 2515
5313 __Unknown Country techn0punk 2515
5314 __Unknown Country davidc 2515
5315 __Unknown Country dj_sivy 2515
5316 __Unknown Country grohl 2515
5317 __Unknown Country maik 2513
5318 Mongolia chingaral 2513
5319 __Unknown Country DrStache 2512
5320 __Unknown Country PoutPout 2512
5321 __Unknown Country wc254854847 2508
5322 __Unknown Country crashwind 2507
5323 __Unknown Country landshark 2506
5324 Poland t00sheen 2504
5325 __Unknown Country GrimoireNieR 2502
5326 United States pcfreak30 2500
5327 __Unknown Country shuji 2497
5328 Netherlands, The rutto124 2495
5329 __Unknown Country zarcel 2495
5330 __Unknown Country franckadf 2493
5331 France MauPlay 2491
5332 __Unknown Country mn1q 2489
5333 __Unknown Country xipander 2488
5334 Colombia rocken2k 2483
5335 __Unknown Country ihackatl 2481
5336 Colombia cmario92 2475
5337 __Unknown Country xeno1701 2475
5338 Poland maque 2474
5339 __Unknown Country Black_Cat 2474
5340 Colombia dapanas 2473
5341 __Unknown Country noggew 2472
5342 __Unknown Country vxDante 2466
5343 Romania hdan 2464
5344 Hungary szirom 2464
5345 __Unknown Country Bread 2459
5346 __Unknown Country MisterMan 2457
5347 __Unknown Country Iaco 2454
5348 Hungary mycroft 2453
5349 United States darkerlabs 2453
5350 __Unknown Country jek0506 2450
How scoring works on WeChall