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# Username Score Progress
5701 Mongolia pedoqear 2153
5702 __Unknown Country ubertrager 2151
5703 Germany nigonro 2151
5704 Mexico negux 2150
5705 Switzerland iamthehacker 2148
5706 Colombia miriramire 2148
5707 __Unknown Country Hack4Jesus 2148
5708 Colombia SmartGenius 2146
5709 __Unknown Country ganbaruTobi 2145
5710 __Unknown Country DrAntarctica 2143
5711 __Unknown Country joaogui1 2143
5712 India ravikanth 2142
5713 Ukraine kl65us 2140
5714 Sweden fancy 2140
5715 Colombia anikilador99 2140
5716 Mongolia enhjinamidaa 2140
5717 __Unknown Country AboQish6a 2140
5718 Colombia ral1uga 2139
5719 __Unknown Country otcypher 2136
5720 Germany saltyLoken 2136
5721 United States C6H6 2132
5722 __Unknown Country ME0WW4R3 2132
5723 Lithuania spajus 2130
5724 Brazil lobito 2130
5725 __Unknown Country UnderWaterPug 2130
5726 __Unknown Country kami 2129
5727 __Unknown Country h2wechall 2129
5728 Romania smagazor 2128
5729 __Unknown Country a959695 2128
5730 China LastAvengers 2126
5731 __Unknown Country iostreamz314 2126
5732 __Unknown Country ohmbull 2126
5733 __Unknown Country adricnet 2123
5734 __Unknown Country puzzler 2123
5735 Colombia feramoon 2120
5736 __Unknown Country CrisisC0re 2120
5737 __Unknown Country Fluyar 2120
5738 __Unknown Country hanhan0912 2119
5739 __Unknown Country daelphinux 2119
5740 __Unknown Country GODfearing 2119
5741 __Unknown Country not_mike 2119
5742 __Unknown Country VIMAppreciationSociety 2119
5743 __Unknown Country j5121 2119
5744 __Unknown Country v00d0089 2119
5745 __Unknown Country sacha 2119
5746 __Unknown Country saaker 2119
5747 __Unknown Country ruslantum 2119
5748 __Unknown Country dnote15 2119
5749 __Unknown Country michbad 2119
5750 __Unknown Country arthurthefourth 2119
How scoring works on WeChall