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# Username Score Progress
5751 Chile Aterbonus 2119
5752 __Unknown Country aWeirdMachine 2119
5753 __Unknown Country HyperShadow243 2119
5754 __Unknown Country stevejarvis 2119
5755 Mexico RootBox 2119
5756 __Unknown Country Xarghas 2119
5757 __Unknown Country nixg360 2119
5758 __Unknown Country dantivar 2119
5759 __Unknown Country lukejosten 2119
5760 __Unknown Country andrewguenther 2119
5761 __Unknown Country juanpablobr 2119
5762 __Unknown Country BinaryNinja 2119
5763 __Unknown Country hhhhojeihsu 2119
5764 __Unknown Country gentoomen 2119
5765 __Unknown Country MixesGinAndBleach 2119
5766 __Unknown Country y4v4x 2119
5767 __Unknown Country yourfriendmat 2119
5768 __Unknown Country Raz0r118 2119
5769 __Unknown Country qerolt 2119
5770 __Unknown Country thekaibosh 2119
5771 __Unknown Country cm101995 2119
5772 __Unknown Country gzhsuol 2119
5773 __Unknown Country rthakur 2119
5774 __Unknown Country oa314r8 2119
5775 __Unknown Country marikotsu 2119
5776 __Unknown Country twizted 2119
5777 __Unknown Country mr4c3 2119
5778 __Unknown Country mu2mux 2119
5779 __Unknown Country HannibaladPortas 2119
5780 __Unknown Country xinjia 2119
5781 __Unknown Country hopebore 2119
5782 __Unknown Country storro 2119
5783 __Unknown Country snekmuffin 2119
5784 Germany xr4m 2119
5785 __Unknown Country Guest28 2119
5786 __Unknown Country kcalb 2119
5787 __Unknown Country ThisIsIcarus 2119
5788 __Unknown Country MouthLess 2118
5789 Russian Federation r4start 2117
5790 __Unknown Country farwarx 2116
5791 United Kingdom b1ue5h4d0w 2112
5792 __Unknown Country misskonfig 2111
5793 Colombia diegoandresmazo 2110
5794 Canada catwoman 2109
5795 __Unknown Country Optimistz 2108
5796 __Unknown Country Shi404 2108
5797 Poland Topu 2107
5798 Korea, Republic Of cert1970 2107
5799 __Unknown Country wosxxx 2107
5800 __Unknown Country mmavipc 2106
How scoring works on WeChall