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This new ranking only sums active sites. It has a reduced functionality at the moment, for example no correct highlighting, and no profile or other pages link here.
# Username Score Progress
12801 __Unknown Country hamtaro 240
12802 Colombia duderheim 239
12803 __Unknown Country ksimon 238
12804 __Unknown Country aldebaran 238
12805 Nigeria tricelex 238
12806 __Unknown Country ekidwell4 237
12807 France Odaeos 237
12808 __Unknown Country Ihtaf 236
12809 __Unknown Country maliciousaireve 236
12810 __Unknown Country gruff37 235
12811 __Unknown Country BartMan_ 235
12812 Italy pawnheart 234
12813 __Unknown Country Bob_ 234
12814 Italy stevedelik 233
12815 Belgium P1v0 232
12816 __Unknown Country dbs17 232
12817 __Unknown Country Nagyi 231
12818 __Unknown Country Limerence 231
12819 __Unknown Country JenCTF 231
12820 __Unknown Country neunerseb 230
12821 __Unknown Country sandert 230
12822 Mongolia uuganjargal 230
12823 Ireland ScrumptiousRooster 230
12824 __Unknown Country raltester 230
12825 __Unknown Country monkeyddragon 230
12826 __Unknown Country keluoibieng 230
12827 __Unknown Country toitorosh 230
12828 __Unknown Country knok16 230
12829 __Unknown Country weissesfleisch 230
12830 __Unknown Country farice14 230
12831 __Unknown Country xfrank 230
12832 __Unknown Country roger 230
12833 __Unknown Country GeassDB 230
12834 __Unknown Country jiangxueqian 230
12835 __Unknown Country sT1myL 230
12836 __Unknown Country fffroze 230
12837 __Unknown Country test-123 230
12838 __Unknown Country fox-style 230
12839 China WhatTheHell 230
12840 __Unknown Country pitju 230
12841 __Unknown Country zjorsie 230
12842 __Unknown Country andrhez95 230
12843 __Unknown Country senyuuri 230
12844 __Unknown Country charlie_wang 230
12845 __Unknown Country peng 230
12846 __Unknown Country lutinghui 230
12847 Mongolia Genjo 230
12848 __Unknown Country jossanswe 230
12849 __Unknown Country hope 230
12850 China G414442058 230
How scoring works on WeChall