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This new ranking only sums active sites. It has a reduced functionality at the moment, for example no correct highlighting, and no profile or other pages link here.
# Username Score Progress
12951 __Unknown Country Nick4 218
12952 __Unknown Country tryToDecrypt 218
12953 __Unknown Country little1CE 218
12954 __Unknown Country Noel 218
12955 __Unknown Country ceger 218
12956 __Unknown Country enoelem 218
12957 __Unknown Country RHyde 218
12958 China xyjhzcx 218
12959 __Unknown Country moshishu 218
12960 __Unknown Country thinktwice2333 218
12961 __Unknown Country Asec 218
12962 __Unknown Country ssdreamC 218
12963 __Unknown Country YZZhuang 218
12964 __Unknown Country kangkang0203 218
12965 __Unknown Country buntspecht59 218
12966 __Unknown Country Le0nard 218
12967 __Unknown Country M4TTYD 218
12968 __Unknown Country mozz85 218
12969 __Unknown Country m23 218
12970 __Unknown Country Lnood5 218
12971 __Unknown Country H3L1O5 218
12972 __Unknown Country againstodds 218
12973 __Unknown Country song123 218
12974 __Unknown Country lolic0n 218
12975 __Unknown Country AUser 218
12976 __Unknown Country LordEnoc 218
12977 __Unknown Country Sterren 218
12978 __Unknown Country yidien 218
12979 __Unknown Country xiaokong 218
12980 __Unknown Country hikonaka 218
12981 __Unknown Country lvlang 218
12982 __Unknown Country du2s 218
12983 __Unknown Country DarkSouls 218
12984 __Unknown Country fakem0nk_229 218
12985 __Unknown Country fisheryu 218
12986 __Unknown Country xiaofangfang 218
12987 __Unknown Country new_one_ma 218
12988 __Unknown Country xiaomogu 218
12989 __Unknown Country jinser 218
12990 __Unknown Country Zentreisender 218
12991 __Unknown Country demonkino 218
12992 __Unknown Country nebula881 218
12993 __Unknown Country f4k33ll10t 218
12994 __Unknown Country xun13 218
12995 __Unknown Country bigb0ss 218
12996 __Unknown Country onez 218
12997 __Unknown Country Zheng_Huang 218
12998 __Unknown Country SHA512 218
12999 __Unknown Country sixty-three-bits 218
13000 __Unknown Country ppkk82331 218
How scoring works on WeChall