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# Username Score Progress
15551 __Unknown Country ruben_linux 81
15552 __Unknown Country MeanMachine 81
15553 __Unknown Country fxgamer 80
15554 Korea, Republic Of chardonnay 80
15555 __Unknown Country HooK 80
15556 Indonesia Siahaan 80
15557 __Unknown Country K4153R 79
15558 India raj 79
15559 __Unknown Country keyboardsage 79
15560 __Unknown Country dotforwardslash 79
15561 Colombia kaisera 79
15562 __Unknown Country Lulu-Lamperouge 78
15563 __Unknown Country BaconFlavored 78
15564 __Unknown Country Nadd 78
15565 __Unknown Country cultima 78
15566 __Unknown Country l33thaxor 78
15567 __Unknown Country pythonic 78
15568 Colombia taysbot 78
15569 Turkey zwt 77
15570 Indonesia blackblitz99 77
15571 __Unknown Country keltvek 77
15572 __Unknown Country CerealKiller 77
15573 Hungary Thorloo 76
15574 Germany Kruge 76
15575 Romania sandualex 76
15576 __Unknown Country Mike 76
15577 __Unknown Country DeoChichiri 76
15578 __Unknown Country localhost 76
15579 __Unknown Country Yx0501 76
15580 Germany idea_squirrel 75
15581 Germany ShinobiMayako 75
15582 Kyrgyzstan sergeev 75
15583 __Unknown Country jar7nt 75
15584 __Unknown Country lovly_spider 75
15585 __Unknown Country jizo 75
15586 United States iNf3kt0r 75
15587 __Unknown Country Jesper 75
15588 __Unknown Country Troopa 75
15589 __Unknown Country sotetbarna 75
15590 __Unknown Country Zubaru 75
15591 Lithuania naktiesvagis 75
15592 Poland mic4ael 75
15593 __Unknown Country n0mad 75
15594 __Unknown Country Deadhead 75
15595 __Unknown Country abagofbread 75
15596 __Unknown Country Nothingness 75
15597 __Unknown Country timmahd 75
15598 Romania Sadmann 75
15599 __Unknown Country xyrex 75
15600 __Unknown Country Leonis 75
How scoring works on WeChall