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Hack-Me is one of the best challenge site in south korea, launched in this month. The challenges cover a wide range of subjects: network, cryptography, steganography,forensic, reverse engineering, and so on.. we offer english and korean language. Register now and challenge it for conquering the korea!
Sites origin country Korea, Republic Of
Language Korean
Category Tags Crypto, Cracking, Exploit
WarBoxes 0
Difficulty 75.00%
Enjoyment 75.00%
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Comments on Hack-Me

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RE: Comments on Hack-Me
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I attempted to link my Hack-Me account to WeChall, but WeChall returns an error.

The Username/EMail combination does not seem to exist on Hack-Me.
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RE: Comments on Hack-Me
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There seems to have been a change in the script name for validation. It should work now.
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RE: Comments on Hack-Me
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site is gone ?
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RE: Comments on Hack-Me
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Site is still there, but domain has probably expired. If you link to in your hosts file, it should still work.

I'll try to contact the admin to see what's going on.
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RE: Comments on Hack-Me
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If you link to in your hosts file, you have been hacked by dloser.
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