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I already encountered errors when i was entering my profile details.
The color scheme isn't optimal.
Doesn't seem to be an interesting challenge site at the first glimps.
Last edited by BjornR1989 - Nov 15, 2008 - 13:37:50
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I too encountered errors when intially signing up. Make sure you use only one-word usernames. The password is E-mailed to you, but I believe there is no way of changing your password once you receive it. This practically forces the use of the "remember password" option, something I don't typically agree with.

Secondly, the 'formatting' for challenges tends to be a bit poor. You actually have to locate where the page itself is stored. I would expect this for the occasional exploit challenge, but not for every challenge on the site! For example, in Mozilla Firefox you can't even solve the first Javascript challenge without finding the actual page it stores the data on!

I believe it is impossible to complete most HackQuest challenges without Internet Explorer, due to the handling of .php files. actually...
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Quote from ObsidianAge
I believe it is impossible to complete most HackQuest challenges without Internet Explorer, due to the handling of .php files.

I can assure you, it is possible to solve all the challenges in Firefox. For example, I have never used another browser and solved all the javascripts and exploits. But maybe you are not skilled enough, when you are not able to solve even the first javascript. Try to get some useful addons for firefox at the beginning. Get the firebug for example, and you will see how php files are handled then. You can find it here
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Thanks for the help hideaway. I have completed most of the Javascript challenges there now with IE, though I have yet to complete any with Firefox. I reckon my version of Firefox may not handle 'View Source' correctly. As I mentioned in my previous post, Firefox comes up with index.php [1], whereas IE correctly comes up with 394.php [1]. Upon navigating to the folder 394, the 394.php file shows the same source as IE, but on the 'Welcome to Cybercop...' etc. it comes up with the same source as the index of the site itself.

Is there some setting that I have overlooked, or is this just a version glitch?
Will Firebug fix this problem?
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I assume it has to do with html frames.
try to rightclick the frame, select current_frame->view_source.
Maybe this works.

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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Quote from ObsidianAge

Thanks for the help hideaway. I have completed most of the Javascript challenges there now with IE, though I have yet to complete any with Firefox. I reckon my version of Firefox may not handle 'View Source' correctly. As I mentioned in my previous post, Firefox comes up with index.php [1], whereas IE correctly comes up with 394.php [1]. Upon navigating to the folder 394, the 394.php file shows the same source as IE, but on the 'Welcome to Cybercop...' etc. it comes up with the same source as the index of the site itself.

Is there some setting that I have overlooked, or is this just a version glitch?
Will Firebug fix this problem?

Of course you can skip the Cybercop screen by clicking the challenge number rather than the challenge name.
oh and i believe you can chance your pass under your 'edit your information' option.

sabretooth - hackquest moderator.
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Quote from Unknown
Of course you can skip the Cybercop screen by clicking the challenge number rather than the challenge name.

I hate this screen since I registered on hackquest, but... I never saw that I can skip it ! Thanks for the tip ! Smile
Last edited by lordOric - Dec 17, 2008 - 19:15:49
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no problem Smile
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Did I miss something?

Since a couple of days, HackQuest is down.

And now, Sabretooth's user is unknown (=deleted) here on WeChall....


Is the site discontinued?
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Well, next week we have to delete Aspect's link with WeChall, and HQ's the week after Happy
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