Some of hackits challenges are appearing on other sites or at least the ideas. I think Sepehr of CanYouHack created a few or perhaps it was FlabbyRabbit of HackThis!! I don't remember which.
As for HackQuest, you'll find a few which have been recreated for Revolution Elite. Although I was not an admin at HackQuest (That honour belonged to SkyFlash, flamecruiser (alt3rn4tiv3) and Kender) I was a moderator there and had a couple of my own challenges up as well as around 20% of the forum posts

I decided to recreate a couple of HackQuest challenges in my own style, whilst giving credit to original ideas where possible. Ideas and inspiration there so far were originally from LoXaGoN, Cyberdata2k, anto, and dex2l.
I am not one for poaching ideas from active sites wherever possible, but if a site is dead and buried and the challenges were of a decent quality I see it as a homage to the original site to recreate some