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I believe the language is English. There should have been a mistake.
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Quote from lordOric
In the "Sites" section, the url of CSTutoringCenter is...

Thank you for the report, it got recently fixed.
Of course the URL is
Quote from elasolova
I believe the language is English. There should have been a mistake.

Thank you for the report, it got recently fixed.

somehow i missed to edit some fields OSmile Thank you for reporting the mistakes.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Dec 02, 2009 - 00:40:09
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The scoring script is not working I think.
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do you get errors on link/update?
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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No, the score just does not appear. I solved 7 challs on the site site but my score appears as zero
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Please unlink the site,
then link with your email as username and email.

This might fix it (and there is no workaround)
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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yes, it worked
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Since we must provide an e-mail as username, the e-mail appears in our profile, and can be stolen by a bot spammer. Is there any way to obfuscate our e-mail in the profile ?
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Yes, you can hide your linked usernames for each site separately, which is recommended for CSTutoringCenter.

To hide a username go to account->linked_sites and click the hide button for the site where you want to hide your username.

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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Wow ! I didn't know this feature. Thanks a lot ! Smile
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