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User Profile Popup

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User Profile Popup
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Would it be possible to position the user profile popup near the top of the browser window, rather than align it with the user name associated with it? As it is, the popup more often than not ends up scrolled off the bottom of my browser window.
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RE: User Profile Popup
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It's on todo since about a month:
Quote from changes.txt

[xx] UserProfile Popups are misplaced a lot. It is more annoying to scroll than to clickX. (thx paipai)

The original idea was to allow clicking a username twice to open and close the popup without the need of moving the mouse.
It obviously does not work as intended.

Anyway, thank you for your suggestion / bugreport, it raised the priority here Smile
I will try to fix it as soon as possible.
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RE: User Profile Popup
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Sorry. I never thought to read 'changes' for a list of todos. I'll remember to check that in the future.
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RE: User Profile Popup
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Absolutely not a problem, the notes are mostly for myself, sometimes cryptic, and a bit hidden on the site.

Your bugreport / suggestion was totally valid and overdue Smile

So, thank you again for your feedback. Appreciated!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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