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WeChall as a social site

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WeChall as a social site
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I was thinking whether it is a good idea to implement some social stuff in WeChall. E.g. you can add others as a friend, etc. is it a good idea or a bad one?
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RE: WeChall as a social site
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I guess it will be barely used.
WeChall has already some social aspects, and i think i will add more.
I assume you are worried about the "friendlist" thingy? Smile

Edit: Of course we are all interested in more opinions. Let us know what you think about more "social stuff" Smile
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Last edited by gizmore - Jan 14, 2011 - 19:59:52
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RE: WeChall as a social site
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I might label a few people as friends (whether they like it or not Smile). I'm not sure how that would be useful for anything though???
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RE: WeChall as a social site
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Yeah, don't see a real sense it that as well.
You can already create usergroups, and config some stuff, which should fulfil the needs.

Thank you for your opinion!

Maybe someone has a better "social" idea than +add_friend Smile
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RE: WeChall as a social site
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but adding freineds ist usefull!!!
if u want to visited the profile from/of your "friend" you can do this much faster than searching for his exact username...
Contact only via c3BhY2VAd2VjaGFsbC5uZXQ= or PM...
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RE: WeChall as a social site
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Yeah, it's not like you can see the memberlist of your group.

Edit: I have enhanced the todo item for that... might implement it soon, with privacy in mind. A personal friendlist just for yourself is an ok idea in the beginning.
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Last edited by gizmore - Jan 14, 2011 - 20:59:50
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RE: WeChall as a social site
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but than u should create a group for each user...
Contact only via c3BhY2VAd2VjaGFsbC5uZXQ= or PM...
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RE: WeChall as a social site
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Everything's gonna be social... dunno why.
Why do you want to add social stuff here? The main purpose of this site is NOT being another facebook ;)
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RE: WeChall as a social site
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Quote from PHmaster
Jan 14, 2011 - 21:23:58

Everything's gonna be social... dunno why.
Why do you want to add social stuff here? The main purpose of this site is NOT being another facebook ;)

I mostly agree with this. The PM system is nice, and the forums are nice, but that is about the all of the 'social' I want or need.

If we are talking about a kind of address book for the PM system, then that could be nice. I could add my 3-4 friends and save a few seconds here and there Smile.
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RE: WeChall as a social site
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Yes, i think the friendlist is meant to be an addressbook, and will get implemented sooner or later.
I think the friendlist is also the thing that Z was worried about.

Thank you all for your opinions and pointing out what is wanted Smile
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