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Quote from elasolova
Mar 06, 2013 - 16:51:58

There seems to be a bug in the bandit section solution validation. I just solved bandit10 and I wanted to try submission from the boxes here. I got a WONG reply. Then, I wanted to submit the solution manually and now I get "you already solved this challenge" msg from the terminal but I got no points.

Same here for vortex13... fix it Drool
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It is not meant to enter ssh solutions into the warflag/webchall solutions.

I think there is even a bug; when you enter solutions for ssh challenges there, the chall is blocked from the netcat solving Smile

I will take care of this tommorow.

Thank you for the feedback!
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Great, thanks Smile
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The boxes are then misleading. Perhaps, you should not put any boxes for ssh challenges.
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The confusion might now be fixed, at least better, as you can only enter solutions for webchalls.
Adding boxes for wargames is the way it works, though. Maybe a special view for webchalls only would be nice.

BTW, you can meanwhile see details for warboxes on a site more nicely, if you click "Warboxes" in their site details.


Follow the instructions in the infobox to reveal rankings and challenge overview on a warbox.
Today i fixed the quickjumps for switching between the single boxes.

Happy Challenging
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Thanks for this great feature Gizmore !

I notice a little "solvers count" error.
For example, in levels entry: => bandit1 = 18 solvers => 22 solvers

For example, in wargames entry: => bandit = 21 players / krypton = 19 players => 22 players (including cls "activity" error) => 19 players (including cls "activity" error)

By the way, i noticed that my wartoken changes. Is it an "automatic week-end" change (i don't remember reading something about it) ?.

Thanks again for your excellent job !
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Quote from phoenix1204
Mar 09, 2013 - 10:21:54

By the way, i noticed that my wartoken changes. Is it an "automatic week-end" change (i don't remember reading something about it) ?.

Does it still change? I know gizmore was experimenting with a dynamic token system but I for one voted against it. I prefer my token to be static because I can then keep it in a file with my solutions rather than query wechall each time I want to rank up

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I think i fixed the inconsistencies. Please note that it can take a while to normalize until the challs get solved again.

About the tokens:

It was planned to stop mass solving for others by one-time-tokens and one-by-one solving.
Meanwhile i think most would prefer less harsh methods, and prefer convinience.

The following options will be available to warboxes soon:

1. "Delete token on success" (will be kept disabled until further noticed, and will be optional for siteadmins)
2. "Multisolve" (Solve all levels below a level instantly at once, optional) - unlocked soon

PS: It might be that some got their tokens disabled in an unlucky timerframe. If you get "Invalid Token" grab a new one from profile. The token recycle will be disabled until further noticed.

PPS: Thank you very much for your compliments Phoenix.
Implemting this was quite trivial, but the ingenious and original idea was from epoch_qwert Smile
Scoreproxy + identd was probably the best idea since the launch of wechall!

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Last edited by gizmore - Mar 09, 2013 - 11:16:49
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i use putty (for windows) under overthewire but how i can send validation on wechall , anyone know wich command need to send or config need for automatic validation with putty ??
i try (echo -e "cls\nmytoken"; cat) | nc 4141 - but not working ?
or another program like putty ?
thanks for answer
best regard
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Your bash command suggests you send the string "cls\mytoken" instead of the file contents.
In that case the error message "invalid token!" should appear.
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