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Perhaps I am tired... but it seems there is a shift for validation of Natas since natas15 : my answer is good for it allows me to acces to natas16, but it doesnt validate on wechall. But if I type it in natas 16 innstead of 15 ... it's ok Smile
The same with natas 16 which have to be entered in natas17.
So it appears on wechall I solved natas17... but it's not... My last one is natas 16.
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Anyone know how we can submit bandit26 from I have the password but it's one of those weird challenges were you don't get a shell. I was able to submit bandit18 but not sure how to submit bandit26.
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You can get a shell...
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Quote from radegand
Aug 17, 2015 - 13:00:46

Hmm...I got a shell, but when running the usual netcat command I get "Unknown user!" error. Is there some env variable that I need to set on this level?
I've copy-pasted the exact command from wechall, and there's no typo...(also, I've used it before on lower levels and it worked fine).
Any ideas appreciated.

Edited: nevermind, I got there in the end... ;)
Last edited by radegand - Aug 18, 2015 - 17:35:47
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Some of you might have already noticed that it is no longer possible to update your solves to WeChall on some OTW warboxes. There is currently a transition to new infrastructure, but WeChall support will be back.

For now, you should be able to use the old server at ( for updating to WeChall if you really can't wait. ;)
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Thank you for the confirmation. It's kinda depressing not being able to register scores.
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Quote from a1748087
Apr 17, 2015 - 06:09:23

Anyone know how we can submit bandit26 from I have the password but it's one of those weird challenges were you don't get a shell. I was able to submit bandit18 but not sure how to submit bandit26.

If you actually complete bandit26, you get into the shell. It is possible, although very difficult.
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Quote from Gabe
Jul 02, 2016 - 04:18:28

Quote from a1748087
Apr 17, 2015 - 06:09:23

Anyone know how we can submit bandit26 from I have the password but it's one of those weird challenges were you don't get a shell. I was able to submit bandit18 but not sure how to submit bandit26.

If you actually complete bandit26, you get into the shell. It is possible, although very difficult.

Thanks for that, Slowpoke.
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Hi everyone, I'm having trouble getting started on Natas 17->18. I'm pretty sure I know what to do, but
I cannot seem to inject. I've tried simple statements like just adding and [CENSOR], but it will always [CENSOR]. I've tried a ton of different combinations but nothing seems to give positive results and judging by the source code provided it should be working... unless I'm missing something painfully stupid
Last edited by dloser - Jul 08, 2016 - 19:58:52
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yeah seems like the [CENSOR] is not working , just tested it with my old script and it didnt work , gona keep trying some stuff to see if they changed the level or what , but yea acording to the source code it should work
Last edited by dloser - Jul 08, 2016 - 19:59:11
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