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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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It's due to the fact of removing al Python interpreting challenges. They still have not added any other challenges to replace them.
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Quote from totoiste
Sep 01, 2010 - 23:22:24

Really not a serious site...

Why do you say that? I really haven't spent much time there, so I don't have much of an opinion about it so far... but I do like the programming heavy sites Smile.
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Quote from Hertz
Sep 02, 2010 - 03:00:21

It's due to the fact of removing al Python interpreting challenges. They still have not added any other challenges to replace them.

Just as I wanted to ask about the progress, I noticed the challenges have silently been replaced.

Ah, to be more precise: 2 have been replaced
Last edited by tehron - Nov 05, 2010 - 16:45:32
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Hi guys,
I am sorry for being an inactive admin, but I was really busy recently. Also, I lost interest in designing challenge problems. Instead I am doing more coding these days. While being inactive I have worked on a Java multiplayer engine called jogre and wrote some games. Also I am busying designing addons for firefox. And there are two website projects that I am working on with my friends. I do not know what to do with RoseCode as I simply do not have any time to devote. Probably, I will keep on silenty replacing the NULL challenges, but it needs some time to come up with cool problems.
Last edited by elasolova - Dec 30, 2010 - 02:10:50
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Rosecode has been inaccessible for about 12 hours now. Anyone know what's going on?
Last edited by shadum - Feb 16, 2011 - 15:31:25
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It seems to be back... slow, but back..
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Rosecode is no longer slow. Whatever issues the site had seems to have been worked out.
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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I am planning to add some brainf*ck challenges to rosecode if anyone is interested.
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Brainf*ck is fun. I actually have it installed on one of my boxes Smile

I would be very interested in getting some feedback/clarification on a few of the challenges also. I assume the PM system is broken because I've attempted to ask a few questions and have heard nothing at all after more than a month. I've now forgotten all but one of those questions but I'm sure I'll think of them again at some point.
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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I will try to donate more time to rosecode. The message system is not broken, but I did not reply to last messages as I was not checking the site. If you pm me through the site I will surely respond.
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