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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Hi guys,

So a new category, under mostly underdeveloped Hack section, has just been launched. These new type will appear with blue App tag and include exe challenges. For now I added two simple command line challenges. Happy hacking.
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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I have compiled a really short end of the year survey for RoseCode. Here is the link. Feel free:
2012 End of the Year Survey

Last edited by elasolova - Dec 21, 2012 - 18:10:24
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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what is Rosecode ????
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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I added two fresh realistic challenges. They are not 100% original but I guess you ll enjoy them.

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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Hey guys,

I revised the Sequence problems in Rosecode a bit. They were really ridiculous before. I tried to make them as fun as possible. I did not change the solved status if you already have solved the old ones, so some will miss the fun. If you find it fun I will try to come up with some more.

Happy challenging,
Last edited by elasolova - Jul 31, 2013 - 00:03:35
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Will anyone be interested in seeing another online judge system? I am planning to add one to Rosecode now that there are open source judges to be used easily.
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Hello all,

In order to boost completion rate in the site (as rosecode has about 10% average right now), I decided to give 2 extra points for every rating submitted after solving a problem.

So with this new boost, you can reach 100% without completing all challenges (as some challenges are nearly impossible to complete). If you solve about 80-90% of problems and rate all the ones you solved, you will probably reach 100%.

I thought this update is important. That's why I am mentioning it here.

Last edited by elasolova - Feb 13, 2015 - 17:19:21
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Quote from elasolova
Feb 13, 2015 - 17:18:53

If you solve about 80-90% of problems and rate all the ones you solved, you will probably reach 100%.

It just happened to me. I jumped from 90% to 100%.
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Quote from elasolova
Feb 13, 2015 - 17:18:53

Hello all,

In order to boost completion rate in the site (as rosecode has about 10% average right now), I decided to give 2 extra points for every rating submitted after solving a problem.

So with this new boost, you can reach 100% without completing all challenges (as some challenges are nearly impossible to complete). If you solve about 80-90% of problems and rate all the ones you solved, you will probably reach 100%.

I thought this update is important. That's why I am mentioning it here.



does this apply to the % reported to wechall as well? If so, I don't like the idea (other sites that give "bonus" points only report the pure challenge %s to wechall). If not, then fine I guess Smile

And "some challenges are nearly impossible to complete" sounds like something that should be looked at really. I mean, there's nothing wrong with having difficult challenges that hardly anyone can solve, but if it's because they are badly thought out and without sufficient info/clues then maybe revise them so they are more "fair".
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Quote from Mart
Feb 13, 2015 - 18:51:11


does this apply to the % reported to wechall as well? If so, I don't like the idea (other sites that give "bonus" points only report the pure challenge %s to wechall). If not, then fine I guess Smile

And "some challenges are nearly impossible to complete" sounds like something that should be looked at really. I mean, there's nothing wrong with having difficult challenges that hardly anyone can solve, but if it's because they are badly thought out and without sufficient info/clues then maybe revise them so they are more "fair".

Right now it applies to wechall also. Yeah, you are absolutely right about revising some questions.(perhaps there are a few that need it right now) But, without enough feedback it is really hard to get on track. The main problem is user contribution and people not even trying to attempt solving. Perhaps, the first problems are not that entertaining. However, users often get bogged down with the fact that they will not be able to reach 100% not only because problems are hard, but because there are a lot of challenges. So right now, there are about 100 challenges added to rosecode recently(which, we think, have good entertaining value). So, I thought giving such a boost will help people to at least have a look at the new problems etc.

Yeah, I thought it would be cool. But, I may revise the idea if people think this is not cool.
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