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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Quote from Mart
Feb 13, 2015 - 18:51:11

And "some challenges are nearly impossible to complete" sounds like something that should be looked at really. I mean, there's nothing wrong with having difficult challenges that hardly anyone can solve, but if it's because they are badly thought out and without sufficient info/clues then maybe revise them so they are more "fair".

I am one of the problem setters at Rosecode. I have seen many sites with problems with no sufficient info/clues. That's a real pain to try to figure what is meant even what is asked. So I pay much attention to that point. If it's still not enough you can ask in the problem forum for clarifications.
Some challenges are hard but that doesn't mean they cannot be solved.
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Quote from sinan
Feb 14, 2015 - 06:32:51
I am one of the problem setters at Rosecode. I have seen many sites with problems with no sufficient info/clues. That's a real pain to try to figure what is meant even what is asked. So I pay much attention to that point. If it's still not enough you can ask in the problem forum for clarifications.
Some challenges are hard but that doesn't mean they cannot be solved.

I agree, but remember it was elasolova who said that in the first place... (in fact, looking at the site only a couple of challenges have no solvers)
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Quote from elasolova
Jan 14, 2014 - 22:46:12

Will anyone be interested in seeing another online judge system? I am planning to add one to Rosecode now that there are open source judges to be used easily.

Yes, I'd like to see that!
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Hi All,

I have published my first stegano challenge here:
I have employed various techniques I have collected from the Internet as well as my own ideas. I'd like to invite you to at t least have a look!
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Hi All,

I have published another stegano challenge in crypto category. It's a straightforward challenge but I hope you would like it:
Don't forget to rate it to earn extra 2 points if you solve it. I also apreciate an explaination in the problem secret forum.


Edit 16.11.2015:
I have added another hint in the problem forum.
Last edited by sinan - Nov 16, 2015 - 10:47:04
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Hi All,

I have published another crypto challenge. I just thought that you might like it:

Don't forget to rate it to earn extra 2 points if you solve it.

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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Hi All,

I have published another challenge which requires stegano solving skills:

Regulars at Rosecode have not solved it yet. Maybe you would like to have a look.

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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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I feel kinda spammed.
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Quote from tehron
Jan 07, 2016 - 13:19:25

I feel kinda spammed.


I think I should explain why I do this. Rosecode usually publish math challenges which for many people here may seem boring and as a result they may be completely ignoring it (the site). But every once in a while, we also publish challenges which may be classified as crypto, stegano, javascript etc. My purpose is to draw attention of the regulars here for that kind of stuff in a likely case those challenges go unnoticed. We are a comunity here who like to solve every kind of challenges.

And now I'd like to ask admins here if this is inappropriate or even abuse of the site. If that is the case I wouldn't repeat it and I kindly request them to delete my previous posts of that sort.

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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Yes, Rosecode has become primarily maths oriented, not only by the number of maths challs, but also their level in comparison to the other challenges. People who like the other challenges can probably find the same or better elsewhere on a site where they feel more at home. If you want them to keep coming to your site for the occasional non-maths challenge, those challenges need to be pretty special. At least, that would be my explanation for people ignoring the site.

Your posts are perhaps not really inappropriate, but if the regulars you are targeting are interested, I'm sure they'll know by now that there are other challenges available. We already have a news section and IRC messages that notify people of new challenges. If sites also start to regularly post notifications in the forums, I can understand that some consider this spammy. Perhaps a more appropriate place would be a feed on the site itself for this purpose.

And now for something completely different: do the WeChall scores for Rosecode still include the extra points for rating stuff? As far as I can tell they do and to me that is a big no-no.
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