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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Finally I replaced all of the NULL challenges with bf challenges. I added a sample of the interpreter being used as well as its source code. Have fun

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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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I've been playing your BF challenges and having a lot of fun. However, I have BF code that correctly outputs hex for "String Decode [BF]" in your bfint.php but it fails when I copy the same bf code into the challenge evaluator.

I posted this issue via your 'ask' link but I am posting here because I have to date posted 4 or 5 questions using that link and have received no response to those at all. Please contact me either through WeChall's PM system or RoseCode's.

I appreciate any help you can give. Thanks.
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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hello shadum and all,

I have taken a break from my studies so I decided to go back to my old rosecode and polish it. Sorry for this long delay. I want to be more responsible but well time does not permit it. Anyway, I have polished the website with a new design. And shadum I will work on polishing BF challenges now so wait for a soon PM through the site. Smile

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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Hello All,

We are planning to add a new kind of approach to our challenges. There will be now a new type of challenges called "Pragma Series". These will be more practical hacking problems. It will involve some pragmatic hacking to solve these questions instead of submitting an answer conventionally. The idea behind is still under consideration and it will take some time untill it gets fully developed.

Best wishes,
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I added a public forum for each problem also a rating section. At the moment, I am looking for volunteers to help me advance the website. There is no requirement for volunteering(i.e. experience or anything) as we can help each other and learn at the same time. I do not count even myself as an expert(rather still a n00b Smile)) so if you have some spare time just reach me here or through RoseCode.

Last edited by elasolova - Jun 26, 2012 - 19:13:44
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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Quote from elasolova
Mar 27, 2012 - 13:12:06

... so I decided to go back to my old rosecode and polish it. ... And shadum I will work on polishing BF challenges now so wait for a soon PM through the site. Smile

I am happy to hear that. I really, really like rosecode. I just ... like it.
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I want to iterate once more: RoseCode is in the beginning of a transformation. I will have a lot of time this summer to work on it and I will be glad if anyone is interested in joining the team. Note that I will be also happy to share the revenue once such a system is established.

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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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As a survey, can you indicate what type of problems you want to see at Rosecode?

Last edited by elasolova - Jul 08, 2012 - 13:20:35
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RE: Comments on Rosecode
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I have recently posted alot on this forum, but this time I am posting rather like a confession. (Also, idk why the forums here are not that active, prob because of summer).
I do not see myself as a hacker, but rather more of a math and programming guy. The reason I started RoseCode was just because I got inspired from projecteuler alot. At the time, I was rather new to programming, I had just swıtched my major from biology to computer science. So, I had done many mistakes along the road regarding rosecode.(I even have been hacked once!) I was rather amateurish, but eager to come up with a decent site. This is not something related to rosecode anyhow. In old days, I had enjoyed competitiveness and saw the life as a race. Perhaps, going through some hardship I ripenned a bit (at least that is how I feel now). At the moment, I am more enthusiastic about sharing knowledge and advancing not as individuals, but as a collective society. On this, I really appreciate wechall members here. I have gone through some old pms both here and on my site. You have been all helpful and kind all the time. So, I just want to thank this community for its unique spirit and its desire for mental development. Also, I want to apologize if I have done something wrong being a webmaster. While writing this, I have nothing negative in mind and no hidden motivation. Perhaps one, more of a suggestion, is that we may value communication more here. Wechall can be a great portal for such a collaboration.

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I changed wrong time limit for becareful! problems from 1 hour to 5 mins. I hope this will be more reasonable.

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